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The bloodline

Status: canceled
Why: to much for me to handle.

Name: The bloodline

Background: In this world there is one main leader who rules over everything. When he dies one of his descent takes his position.
Not every child can make, for one to belong to the bloodline one must have the yellow eyes. If there are two sibling with those eyes. They will eventually fight to the death.
Once, two siblings with yellow eyes fought, but one was sealed away and the other ran away. The bloodline stopped and wars bursted all over the world. A few year later you are the gradson of the sibling who ran away (yet nobody, not even you knows).
You only have your gradfather and you just reached 18, so you decided to join the army.

Plot: So far you have the main hero joining the army due to his gradfather engaging stories of heros and their acts.
There he meets Ythe and Deni. The newest recruits.

Playable Characters:

Hero (namable)
Age: 18
Obs: He was raised by his grandfather, who told him stories of adventures and soliders.
So, he's believes his regular life lacks excitement and acts very impantiently. His naiveness is a consequence of optimism and innocence. This hero has a pure heart.

Age: 16
Obs: Raised by Captain Meth since she was 6. Loves action and is very impulsive.

Age: 17
Obs: Joined the army around the same time as Ythe.
Looks rather pacific and calm, he doesn't take things seriously. Very wise for his age.

  • Tactical battle system - thanks to GubiD
  • Job Progression by Lettuce
  • Blue Mage by Fomar0153
  • Evasion State and Scene Item Enhanced--> Author  : puppeto4
  • large Party from Dargor
  • Conditional and Passive Skills by Syvkal
  • Neo Message System 3 and Sprite Mover by woratana
  • Ring Menu created by DouglasMF
  • Light Effects by Kylock
  • Some KGC and custom made scripts
Demo - around 10min
bloodline.exe - 34.90MB

The characters are going to be developed as the plot advances.
The game is yet in a very early stage of development, so it's only natural that it has several bugs. Report them!
Try the small demo before replying. I'm expecting harsh criticism.
Explore! The database is going to be huge, so there are many items which only have a name. there are very few weapons and no armors so far.
Total skills: 300+
The background story makes since but what about the plot? You're the heir to the throne (or world I guess) cause you are part of a blood line with yellow eyes. My guess would be that someone is going to release the imprisoned sibling and he's going to go after you so he'll have the world to himself. Am I close?
Seems like a barbaric way of doing things. Who wants the responsibility to govern the world anyways?
Are yellow eyes rare? Cause you'd think with wars people would be looking for yellow eyed people to fix things. 

In the Demo:
You need to check your spelling and grammer.
Lider= leader?

First bug I found was the old man outside the house. I told him I didn't want to learn about the skills and classes but he opened the windows anyways. Then the old man left but when I crossed the opening in the fence where he was the event ran again.

I exited the town, along came a hornet and the game crashed! Something about undefined method for such and such.
I encountered the same errors. The error message from the crash was to bothersome to write down, so here it is: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v141/ ... eerror.jpg[/img]

Other than that, the information about the characters seem to be lacking. You only managed to list negative traits for the main character, doesn't he have anything good going for him? Beside, a list of traits doesn't really give us a good impression of what kind of character it is.

The problem is furthered when the game starts. The first thing the main character does is to have a quarrel with his grandfather. This would not be a problem by itself, after all it does happen in real life that we have quarrels with people we love, but this is so far the only impression I have of the main character.

You could start with the reason the main character decided to join the army. The description indicates that the main character toke that decision the because he only has his grandfather and is 18, but that doesn't seem like a complete explanation. Looking at the main character's bio, it says that his grandfather told him stories of adventure and soldiers. During the quarrel at the start of the game, the same grandfather also said something in line of that he shouldn't have told him those stories. Now considering that the one of the main character's traits is being naive, there's a good chance he joined the army because he heard glorified stories and believed in them and thought that he may achieve that kind of glory by joining the army.

If that's what you had in mind, consider playing on it more. The way the main character behaves and what he chooses to say should hint at those things. I admit that I have only played very little of the game and you may not had the opportunity to do all that yet. Regardless, you should as soon as possible make sure there's more to the main character that a quarrel with his grandfather.
coyotecraft, thanks for replying.
Bugs have been fixed, buy I haven't reuploded a new demo yet.

The story:
Releasing the sibling - It has crossed my mind.
Nobody wants the responsability to rule the entire world, just the power to. Responsability comes attached.
Yellow eyes are unique to the bloodline. Only high nobility knows about them.
Although you (the hero/player) don't know yet, there are people looking for you.
I didn't wrote about the plot because it isn't much developed in the project/demo.

Crystalgate, thanks for replying too.
That error was fixed, thank you very much.
You're right on the motive ( forgot to wrote it in the Characters section).
Since the story is only in the beginning, I didn't want to write too much info on the characters. I'm expecting them to grow with the plot.
Believe me, it will be deeper than a quarrel.
Wow those maps are nice... really nice!
I see a few shadow problems in the first screenshot, on the mountain, you should make in TileE a eerrh... tile with the ground graphic and cover those shadows

I insist those maps look great, the only map I think you should edit it a little, is the forest map... to much green try and add a few colors there.

I`ll give it a try... once you upload the new demo... cuz you havent... right?
Avadan, I'm still strugling with the autoshadows and I'll tru to 'fix' the forest maps. It looks too green to me too.
I have uploaded the new demo aout 5 min ago  :smile:

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