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Temple Tileset - WIP

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hmm... looks like something ive seen somewhere before... I dunno... neway, nice work. 8/10...

PS: Its not very hard to see that that's water. maybe make the pool a little deeper?
Nice choice of colours, but you went overboard with details.

Only the most important areas of the screen (characters, interactive events, etc) should be detailed that much - otherwise you'll give people a bit of continuous eye strain playing your game and they'll need to look for what to do other than having their eyes drawn to the more important things.
Goomba;135241 said:
Nice choice of colours, but you went overboard with details.

Only the most important areas of the screen (characters, interactive events, etc) should be detailed that much - otherwise you'll give people a bit of continuous eye strain playing your game and they'll need to look for what to do other than having their eyes drawn to the more important things.

Sorry for going off topic slightly, but that's the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard. It would only apply if the characters to be used were of an inferior quality level compared to the tileset. I for one have not seen the characters they are using for this tileset (if there are even any, and this simply isn't a work they plan to release for the rest of us to use)...but to discourage someone for having -too- much detail seems a waste of a critique. If there were something wrong with the detail, say...his bricks look more like wood, then brick, then yes...that would be a good critique. However, I fail to see how this tileset being too detailed is a -bad- thing.

I mean...this eye strain you speak of...I've never noticed it myself, and I've played several highly details 2D RPGs where I didn't spend forever searching for an important bit simply because the environment was so damn well done that it made it hard to figure out what was interactive :P...

Back on topic: I still think the work you've done with the water is good, to be honest. I personally can't see much you could do to improve it, as water is a very hard thing to sprite as such, and you seem to have done a rather good job.
I agree with Goomba, this tileset is incredibly detailed, too much so. I wouldn't be able to play a full game of this because it would grate my eyes a lot. Maybe Goomba and I share some obscure eyesight problem, but I really doubt it.

I see two situations that are both problems: You couldn't have equally as detailed character sets because the scene would become so busy that it becomes a jumbled mess and it would be hard to focus. However, having less detailed characters would stick out like a sore thumb. Heck, I am not even quite sure what kind of characters would fit this tileset. Right now, it seems that you made the tileset for a characterset that's around the RTP size. The actual RTP would look ridiculous, but that's probably as detailed as you could get at that size.

In fact, this tileset looks like it was once much larger but it was shrunken to fit a 32x32 grid. Is that the case?
Actually, Lene and Goomba, some people enjoy games that aren't worth like 9 bucks. ;) :yes: :please: Anyway, some peopel prefer superior graphics. I dont know what it is, maybe an obscure eye disease. In that case, I am sorry for your affliction.

Back on topic: I wouldn't do anything to change this tileset. You might just have to darken the RTP sprites a little so their brightness doesn't draw attention away from the landscape.


33% Maps
22% Storyline
22% Characters
22% Music :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:



I love it, it is a feast for the eyes. However, I have to agree that it probably is too busy for this resolution.

As for the water, it could probably use some highlights or something. Water is reflective.
I am surprised that I am the first to mention it. But the perspective on the water is totally inconsistent with the rest of the tileset. It looks to be TOP DOWN, whereas the rest of the tileset is the usual RPG view.

Aside from that, I would agree that the detail might be a bit too high. I was always turned off by the Seiken Densetsu 3 graphics (famed as some of the best 2D RPG graphics on the SNES) because I had a hard time seeing monsters and the characters due to the bright colors and high detail of the tiles.
I disagree with the eyestrain bit... and I suffer from a hole in my right cornea and numerous tiny scars on the surface of my eyeballs. I think it's a matter of personal taste, I rather like the high level of detail. There are really enough cartoony tilesets out there, this is a nice new style. ^^

...though I'd adore it even more if it were HK sized. *whistles*

Oh yes, and Prexus is dead-on with the perspective issue on the water.



I just assumed the water was very shallow, but perspective would certainly help - even if it were just a bit.

I think the problem some people are having is that this is much higher contrast than rtp tilesets. That makes the individual bricks stand out more. If the contrast, primarily on the bricks, was turned down, it would match RTP style better. I, for one, like the detail level, but it would look odd used in conjunction with RTP sprites.
Thanks for everyone who's posted there toughts on my tileset! They help me a lot. A lot.

As my other work, I made it from scratch using photoshop.

As for the detail issue, I think it's a personnal choice of style... I will have to test and experiment with character size and style to see what matches best. I will not be using the RTP characters.

The perspective! That's what's wrong with the water... thanks Prexus! This water is really a pain to work out...!

I will keep working on my tileset and keep you guys updated!

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