Boxboy":1hhfmokf said:I would suggest Alaska, however:
The last winter was rather dangerous.
Not too sure about the nightlife.
Otherwise, you'd prolly love it here.
Venetia":1hhfmokf said:- Nothing too cold. I don't mind snow, but if its annual snow fall is any more than, say, 20 inches a year, hell no.
Boxboy":3vd9j7gh said:I would suggest Alaska, however:
The last winter was rather dangerous.
Not too sure about the nightlife.
Otherwise, you'd prolly love it here.
Chromaticed":3vd9j7gh said:I was actually going to recommend you San Antonio, but its too south for your likes and probably to hot. So I am going to say, try somewhere in California. Just watch out for the forest fires.
ixis":3vd9j7gh said:Martha's Vineyard
Beautiful, not too hot, not too cold, not too much snow.
Lots of trails to hike, ATV and explore. Semi-small town (but not too small.) Only 2 chain stores on the whole island. Presidents visit here all the time. There's lots of places to hang out at night since the island runs on tourists. Plus it's mostly run by native americans, so if yer into indian culture it's awesome. Also, Boston is only a boat ride away. No museums or anything though.
I'd also suggest Maryland.
And as a response to an above post, Savanah GA kicks ass! Just as long as you're street smart and not dumb enough to wander into the dangerous parts of the city where you'll get carjacked or mugged it's a really nice place to live (especially if you dig ghosts. It's the #1 haunted city in the wold.)
sixtyandaquarter":3vd9j7gh said:With me![]()
missingno":37skbvro said:We have TONS of schools, Brandywine high school is ranked 55th in the country and Concord is 48th(or something).
You know we can all generalize big areas without ever being there and completely figure the entirety to be a very small and strict setting, when half of NYC is suburban like (Queens/Staten Island/part of Bronx & Manhattan), with some of the larger parks out of most citys, cleaner air than Detroit, Chicago, Hollywood, Oakland, etc. Even though it has less traffic than parts of LA, and has the same heat index in the summer as Virginia.:O
Sixty you said yourself that you'll never move OUT of NYC and I said I'd never move INTO NYC!
It's too hot, too cold, too polluted, too much traffic, too developed. {![]()
When I was living near Hollywood, it's pretty funny, people said the same thing, except they said, "well hey, the smog is bad, but at least it's not as bad as new york!"cleaner air than Detroit, Chicago, Hollywood, Oakland, etc.
miss matcha":12f6ajj0 said:My comments are gonna be random because I want to mention the more subtle things. First of all: The drivers are NICE. Whenever I make a road trip there from California, there is a STARK difference in driver quality and attitude when you get to Oregon and beyond. They are the most courteous and careful drivers I've ever seen in my life. My friends and I were trying to change lanes at a stoplight, and this dude actually backed up to let us in, I kid you not. Perhaps this isn't so shocking for non-Californians... but if you've lived in LA or the bay area, it's like night and day when it comes to the road.
My other really random comment is about drinking water. It tastes really good. When we stayed at my friends' place, I kept getting up in the middle of the night to drink water from the tap because it was SO good. I drink a lot of water, so this is very important to me.
What? O_o Are you suggesting Utah?Prexus":1qnpi7pe said:The owner of RMN lives in Utah and swears by it, for all the things you wanted (forests, mountains, crisp air, culture, etc.) I don't know much else about it.
Well, I live in Florida, and I can easily say it's the shittiest place I've ever lived.0Zero0":1edl12jg said:I don't really have any places to recommend, since I'm not American, but someone must be crazy to think Florida is shit. Damn even if it's not Miami it's gotta be cool! What's shitty about that state? I live in a country people forget about when they're showing the weather in Europe, and it's right there in the map they show! Also I can't choose any job I want to because few jobs give decent salary opportunities in my shitty country. There are like 6 decent jobs you can choose from. And in Florida you got beach, sun, and it isn't a retarded place. What else can people want? The countryside sucks, people are ugly and dum, no matter the country.
Prexus":1edl12jg said:The owner of RMN lives in Utah and swears by it, for all the things you wanted (forests, mountains, crisp air, culture, etc.) I don't know much else about it.
Surmuck":1edl12jg said:Cause really, I live in the capital city (SLC) - and there is not a nightlife. At all. And it's SUPER hot. It's 8:02 right now, and 91.
I do not suggest Utah.