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Tell me what you think...

I have been working on remaking a game I created back in 2002. I plan starting a thread dealing with the game and it's history soon, in the meantime I was just wanting some feedback on the title screen idea that I am playing around with. This is what the current version looks like...

Any and all criticism or input will be taken into serious consideration.
Well, first off, the text alignment is rather off. The screen is also cluttered, and doesn't look like what it's supposed to be.
I'm not exactly sure that the background is made by you, and I do not like the 3d characters - since obviously there will be none in your game, it's sort of out of place.
And the models aren't that good themselves.
Other than that, try messing around with the layer effects in photoshop. Stuff like stroke and gradient overlay, often help make text look much more professional. That would help.

That's my feedback, sorry if it wasn't what you were hoping for...

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