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Teleportation Script

Is there a Teleportation Script?
Here is a detailed description of what the Script has to have.

The script has to be like in Earthbound, when you go to the menu and go to skills then select PSI Teleport, The Party members all begin to run in a straight line at whatever direction they are facing at least 40-45 grid blocks foward on the map then they zoom off the map and teleport to the selected map ID destination.
Needs to work with the Caterpillar Script.
If before they reach the 40 or 45 grid block away and they bump into something it will make this sound
And the sprite of all party members will turn like this
http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/341/crashll8.png[/IMG] for at least 25 frames.
[Edit] Forgot to mention that when they are running this sound will come up until they are done teleporting.
Someone who has played Earthbound will know exactly what I am talking about so can someone please help me out here?



<>conditional branch: key (what ever key you want) pushed
<>conditional branch: key Up pushed
<>move event:player
: :face up
: :wait 4 frames
: :face left
: :wait 4 frames
: :face down
: :wait 4 frames
: :face right
: :wait 4 frames
: :face up
: :wait 3 frames

then just keep going with the pattern and everytime you make a circle lower the frames and you can edit that.....then have it a parrallel and name the switch like teleport..you have to do that with every direction...
just have the <> key up pushed.... into a <> key left pushed....and do that till you have no frames left....and you prob cant copy paste....sry

then if you hit something (i would have to think about how you would do that) just have it

<>move event|player
: :change sprite to (what ever you have it on)

give me the credit too >> took me only about 10 mins to do it .....

just put sparky_0_02000@yahoo.com aka cheeze

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