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TCG Battle system

I've looked around and saw a few script requests, along with a few actual in progress scripts, but nothing is what I am looking for, nor is there anything completed enough for my purposes.

I want a TCG battle system, and it doesn't have to be too complicated (besides following rules), it will only be used for 1 fight (making a demo of a game, so no complicated conditionals other than standard battle ones).

A basic version that is intended for Yu-Gi-Oh or Magic: The Gathering is good enough, with some modifications (example: Life is your deck, so as you take LP damage, you lose cards from your deck. Not used in either YGO or MTG)

Easiest way to do this (as it is complicated) is to make a general script for each part (say a script used for unit cards) and then tell me how to edit the script to include the data I want (effects, values, zones able to enter, etc.) (Ex 2: A script on a zone, which I would edit to make the zones necessary, and give names to them).

I know this is a lot and I don't expect it to be done anytime soon. The good news is that, like I said earlier, you don't have to go into specifics. The list I provide shows what I need to get from it, not necessarily what you have to make. As long as you make a general script that is fairly easy to edit to specifics, that's good enough. Because I intend this to be used as a sort of tutorial demo (of how to play the RL game), there is no need for anything to do with customizing the deck, or recieving new cards, or looking at a library. The only real library needed is the list of cards in the decks used. One thing that is very important to me is that the outcome of the battle CANNOT be fixed (as in, you draw card X on turn Y and oppnent draws card A on turn B, then you win on Turn Z by using card C and all the while some professor is telling you what to play). If the battle is fixed, although I will still thank you and credit you, I will be editing it to make it an outcome dependant on what actually happens.

-5 different card types (in 6 colors, like the colors in MTG): Unit, Character, Operation, Command and Generation
Unit: basic monster you use to attack. Has 3 attack values, between 0-9. Has 3 cost values. Has an Earth or Space (or both) designation. Can play 1 per turn.
Character: Equipment for Units. Has 3 attack values, between 0-9. Has 3 cost values. Can play 1 per turn.
Operation: Think like a field spell in YGO or a world spell (old school) from MTG. Affects everything on the playing field. Has 3 cost values.Can play 1 per turn.
Command: Instants (MTG) or normal spells (YGO). Affects one unit/character/operation/generation. Has 3 cost values.
Generation: Land (MTG). Every turn, you can "tap" this to gain resources. Resources are used for playing cards. Can play 1 per turn.

-Turn System: Very simple, basically allows you to make the turn order based on a coin flip. If you win the flip, you can chose to go first or second. If you lose, the computer randomly picks. Must have the option of being altered by card effects (ex: a command that gives you an extra turn).

-Deck System: No need to customize the decks, just need to be able to tell how many cards are left and be able to randomly shuffle the deck, ability to lose cards from deck, add cards to deck mid-game and search through the deck. 50 cards per deck (min and max). Limit to 3 of each card (except a select few)

-Hand System: Tells you what cards are in your hand. Allows you to play cards in your hand, add cards to it, examine cards in it, remove cards from it, basic things like that.

-Lifepoint System: The LP system I want is a little unique. Your deck is your life. As you take damage, you lose cards in your deck and they are sent, face down (so you can't see them) to the discard pile. Ex: you take 5 damage, the top 5 cards of your deck go to the discard. Obviously, you lose LP every turn as you draw cards (start at 45, then go down to 44, then 43, etc.)

-Zones: Different zones to play the cards. Two battle zones, Earth and Space (some units can only go into 1 of the battle zones), Generation Zone for each player (only generation type cards can go in here), Station Area (where the units, characters and operations go when not in battle), 2 graveyards, the Discard pile (for when you lose cards from your deck) and the Junkyard (everything else that is destroyed). No limit to number of cards in the zones, but if you must put one then make it 50 (only 50 cards in the deck, so it's impossible to have 50 cards in a zone, and even more impossible to have more than 50 :p)

-Roll/Reroll: If the card is in Roll position, you can't use it, if it is reroll, it can be used. Cards reroll at the start of every turn. Roll after using an effect or attacking.

-Steps: The game is played in steps, or phases. This would be the actual battle system, the rest is like add-ons that allow this to work.
Reroll Phase: All your cards are rerolled.
Draw Phase: Draw a card from your deck.
Assign Phase: Main phase (YGO). Play your cards during this phase.
Battle Phase: Divided into steps:
Attack Step: You select which cards are attacking and which
zone they are attacking in.
Defense Step: Defending player selects which cards are
blocking the attack.
Resolution Step: Fight.
Return Step: Return all cards to their respective station areas
or junkpiles (if destroyed)
End Turn: Ends the turn.

If you manage to do this, the demo I make will have more credit and mentions to you than me (I'm working on this all alone...that's a lot of mentions HINT HINT). Also, because of the general, editable nature of the script I'm asking, it can be used for YGO, or MTG, or any card game people want (I've seen quite a few threads asking for something like this). As for actual images (such as the bg for the field, the card, etc.) I will be adding that (though I'll need some help with changing the script). There's no time frame on this, but the sooner the better, I always say.

Wow...this is a very long and detailed post of mine...hopefully that means someone will help me out *crosses fingers*
I know it's a complicated script, but I went into so much detail about what I want and you don't even need to make it that specific! A general version would work :D

bumpity bump

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