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Tachiba's Drawing thread (idk what to put for a title)

Hey, guys. It's been quite awhile, huh?

Well, recently (1 hour ago) I decided to start a game project as a hobby over the summer when I'm not busy. But, I don't really like the artwork of Kaduki and alot of sprite makers in general for my characters. I mean, since I don't really have a timeframe for releasing this project, I figured that I might as well make custom artwork and such for the project so it can totally reflect my artistic vision, or whatever you call it. I'll be honest, I think I'm a very horrible artist. I love to doodle and drawing was my favorite hobby as a kid, but my drawing style was just too basic. So, I've decided to try to add more detail to my style, and put up one (and more to come as I go along) of my sketches for the characters.

This first character I made is temporarily named Abey. I named him Abey because, as of right now, his abilities involve regeneration and nature based attacks (Abey is Omaha for leaf). The errors that I'm pretty sure I made are his walking formation. I think I got sidetracked and/or unitentionally changed my mind about how he was going to pose. Also, I'm not the best at making folds in clothes, so I'm pretty sure his shirt and especially his pants look flat.


My goal is to have a way more realistic drawing style. Any tips or pointers, please tell me.

If you can't see the photo, link: http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2 ... 53axo0.jpg

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