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Sword of Aegis (Incomplete)

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You take on the role of Hitori, A hunter who normaly works in a group of 4. Out on a carefuly planned Pappa-Cockatrice hunting mission your group is attacked by creature unseen by any of the group before, two members are slain outright a third manages to wound the creature before being killed by a claw through his heart, leaving you, Hitori, the last surviving member of the hunting party, to investigate the appearance of the strange creature and seek revenge apon their race. but the job isnt quite as simple as it sounds.

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5LLSAGDK download for the game, currently ends abruptly near by the second town, i managed to rush through in about 10 minutes, without doing any side aspects or reading any of the story, so this could probably last about 30-50mins if your taking it all in. pointers and critique is apriciated, hope you enjoy my attempt at a game, this will be continued.  thanks in advance.
Need. Much. More. Info.

There is a WHOLE TEMPLATE on how to make a good Project Discussion topic; just slapping some text along with a link is not it.

Please read the rules of the forum, and PM a mod when you're ready to adjust you topic. :|
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