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Swine Flu - Should we worry?

Recently, the World Health Organization declared the H1N1 strain of swine flu to be a "public health emergency of international concern" that they fear has the possibility to become a pandemic. In March and April, more than 1,000 cases of swine flu have been detected in humans in Mexico, and at least 86 deaths have been confirmed due to the flu. 20 cases have been confirmed in the United States, with over a 100 possible, over 25 possible cases in New Zealand (most from students coming home from Mexico) and 6 confirmed cases in Canada. The Center for Disease Control is fearing that there will be deaths in the US because of the virus.

The thing that is scaring most about this strain is that very few of the victims have had any actual contact with pigs, which is where the swine flu is usually found. However, the flu is fairly mild so far, and most of the people in the US who have been diagnosed have recovered.

Schools in Mexico City are closed and dozens of schools in the US have been forced to close because of the virus.

Should we be worried about this? After all, millions were scared after the avian flu outbreak a few years ago, fearing that it would turn into a pandemic, when it hasn't done all that much in recent years. Do we have reason to be scared that this will turn into a major outbreak?

Personally, I think we should definitely keep a watchful eye on this, but I think some journalists are blowing this way out of proportion. Yes, we have reason to be a little worried, but not to run around claiming the sky is falling. I think some of the worst that can happen because of this is the damage to Mexico's economy. It's not in the greatest state right now, and this bad news revolving around the country could have a big impact on its tourism industry. Not to mention Mexico City is pretty much at a standstill at the moment, with people too scared to go outside fearing infection.

What are your thoughts regarding this "swine flu outbreak"?

Wikipedia article on the 2009 H1N1 flu outbreak
Wikipedia article on the swine flu
united washcloth express":1zmku7bu said:
It really sounds like a typical biological attack.

Typical, eh? In comparison to which biological attacks?

The are announced cases across six US states now, including New York; parts of Canada, New Zealand, France, Scotland, Israel, and London. The WHO update page has too many people loading it, so I haven't got reliable updates for a couple of hours.

My Uncle, a biochemist who managed the purchase/sale of tamiflu to Western Europe, is worried: something he never was throughout the Bird Flu hype. He says his manager came into his office today very pale, because according to the people In The Know, there are more cases across the United States than are being announced, and Mexico might have over two-hundred mortality cases instead of the eighty or so that have been announced. This ties in with several things I have seen around in places like the BBC and from some Mexicans blogging from the area.

So I think it would be prudent at this point to show at least mild concern.
What I think the Swine Flu is

-The Swine Flu is an overexageration media hype.

-They call it an health epidemic and crisis but so is obesity.

-Less then 30 people have gotten in the U.S. so far (last I heard anyway) and there have been no deaths in the United States. The main epidemic is in Mexico, there are around 200 deaths. (I heard and read 200 but it may be 86)

-The Swine Flu is just like the regular Flu(same symptoms), just the biological compisition of the flu is different. Which means that the vaccines for the regular flu are not as effective against the real flu.

-More people have died from the regular flu than the Swine Flu

-The people at risk are infants, old people, and those with weak immune systems.


Oh and the Avion Flu. More people died from the regular flu than the Avian Flu (in well sanitized counties.)
Actually, this seems to be worse than I thought. Today the World Health Organization (WHO) raised the pandemic alert level to 4, just two levels short of a full pandemic. While that doesn't mean pandemic is inevitable, it does mean that it has spread pretty much everywhere and trying to contain it is pretty much pointless. Deaths will occur in the US and Canada, most likely.



Now I don't think it's time to panic, but to totally disregard this as nothing is not smart. First of all, as the days go by you're going to find more cases of swine flu identified, now that people know what to look for (IIRC many doctors dismissed it as a stomach bug). If anything, the only thing I would do is once again try to get in the habit of good practices like washing your hands. Also if you know of someone who is sick tell them to stay home if it's possible. And wash your hands. If not, then just keep away from them. If you yourself get flu-like symptoms go see a doctor. Oh, and did I mention washing your hands?

Here's a good post about the phase four news:
WHO - Phase Four and Uncertainty

This virus may be a lengthy issue for us, not a three day story. It may be a fizzle, it may be a slow burn. It's got "pandemic potential". But the attention of every planner and emergency manager has now been focused by the change in WHO phase. It doesn't matter what you call it, we are now in the "recognition" phase... of something.

The best place for information you can rely on is CDC and your state and local public health department.
But again in properly sanitized places, the Swine Flu and the regular Flu is pretty much the same thing. The biolgical compision is different BUT it is pretty much the same thing. Honestly, you should be just as worried from getting the regular, plain old Flu. In other countries, Yes it may be bad but in Canada, Britain, France, United States, and other properly sanitized nations, not so much.

And honestly what is the difference between the regular flu and the Swine Flu.
The only one I can think of is that it came from a pig.


They call it an health epidemic and crisis but so is obesity.
Yeah, but you can't catch obesity off other people lol.

LOL indeed ^_^
The way I see it:

- You catch it, you might die.
- You don't catch it, you live.

There's significantly higher chance of not catching it. If you did catch it it wouldn't matter because you'd be dead soon anyway, so why worry about it?

If you aren't washing your hands or covering your nose when you sneeze now, then no amount of media coverage is gonna make you!
Apparently there are now one hundred potential cases in New York, with people worrying that these people may have passed it on, considering that it seems to have a longer incubation period than original thought.

becoolioman, you fail virology. And judging from how far your assessment of the media's coverage is from the facts as expoused by those with the right connections, contacts and qualifications - this being far more worrying that avian flu ever was - then I'd say you've failed Media Studies too. :)
My cousin is living in Mexico and he says there's no major problem...

It's just another "psycosys" attack from the media. Consider that he has barely seen people with those mouth cover thingies and he's right there.

Do not believe everything the media says and more than anything, do not believe the magnitude of everything that is said. They make it sound like it's death itself riding the red horse of apocalypse after slaying its rider :haha:
Can people stop with the crappy "The media are overhyping this, it's going to be another bird flu" shit please?

According to Mexican health workers, and various biochemists, it's spreading faster than the media are reporting: they are allegedly being leant on to avoid a panic.

It has also notched up a kill ratio much higher more quickly than avian flu - and most of the Avian flu outbreaks took place in rural China. Not in some of the most traversed routes on the planet.
AND it appears to have a long incubation period than original thought, meaning there are potentially already many carriers moving around the United States.

I'm as revolted by the Presstitutes as the next guy (and often even more so), but can we stop with this cool-kid-anti-media whining?
Commodore Whynot":2g4kpdvu said:
The way I see it:

There's significantly higher chance of not catching it. If you did catch it it wouldn't matter because you'd be dead soon anyway, so why worry about it?

tbh i dont think too many people are cool with being dead, man :0
Commodore Whynot: The way I see it:

There's significantly higher chance of not catching it. If you did catch it it wouldn't matter because you'd be dead soon anyway, so why worry about it?

Its not cancer, LOL.

Incognitus: I'm as revolted by the Presstitutes as the next guy (and often even more so), but can we stop with this cool-kid-anti-media whining?

Its not cool-kid-anti-media whining, its an opinion.

There has still been no deaths in properly sanitized nations yet soooo...

Arbiter:May be good to read this too.

http://edition.cnn.com/2009/HEALTH/04/2 ... topstories

Totally Agree ^_^
its just another flu, like your standard common flu virus only with another name, i had a flu last winter, i had a fever, runny nose, cough, headaches, chest congestion, yet im still alive and well. swine flu is no different other than media coverage, if they talked about the regular flu we're all used to on the news every day all day long, people would be scared about that too, its responsible for way more deaths than the average person realizes. anyway, wash your hands, dont lick strangers, cover your mouth, get your vitamin c, its just like any old flu, if you catch it, youll probably be fine
I'm not too worried, as there's been very few cases in my area, and I'm fairly hygienic.

Also, didn't they check a boatload of pigs, and decide that it didn't come from them? So why is it Swine Flu?

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