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Sweet and Awesome

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I was reading the character bio's and i found them + the facesets pretty good (especially Alex, he even made me lol). But I'm not happy that you used the rtp for this. I don't hate the rtp at all, but is doesn't feel right for this game. I was hoping for tilesets that looked more like the facesets. If the humour is good, this still can be pretty neat.
thank you so much for reading.. it means quite a lot..

Well.. My friends said they wanted the game to be kind of creepy.. and I had no idea how to create that... they told me a realistic atmosphere could work as creepy and that is why I used the rtp.. also I'm not gonna beat around the bush.. I don't have the skills to make the tiles, I'm too lazy to make the tiles, and I have been quite busy lately with finals.. but If you have any ideas.. I will welcome them! :D

again thanks for replying.. I will see.. maybe in the future the tiles will be changed to fit the style..
Actually... My game is still not ready for the public... I realize the game is not funny if you aren't a character in it... so I would like to have this topic close.... I will remake the game... and maybe one day I will be back here showing it off... I'm sorry I have waisted people's time but the game needs to be funny.. for everyone... and this one isn't cutting it.. when I come back maybe I will even have custom tiles.. thanks to everyone...

can mods close this? or can I... .. how do I got about doing it?!
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