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I'm just curious if anyone is superstitious. Be it that they keep a lucky rabbit's foot with them, don't change their socks when in the local team's playoffs, believe in Carmen Winstead's curse, won't walk under ladders, or let a black cat cross their path.

So, anyone here fall under the category of being called superstitious? Do you forward e-mails claiming if you don't you'll lose your eye, or post bulletins that say you'll never find true love, or even write out old school chain letters on actual paper and snail mail 'em out - because they might be true? Do you carry around a good luck charm or some sort of article to keep back bad tidings? Are you superstitious?
Even in any way, small or trivial?

Me, personally, I believe superstitions are bad luck.



I'm not superstitious but will avoid walking underneath ladders, I think thats less about being superstitious and more about common curtiosy and wanting to live a long life rather than get crushed by a falling ladder. :p
I dont believe in superstition. I have yet to see that girl whos supposed to rip my intenstines out and strangle me with them at midnight.

*looks behind him*

Oh Shi-!!!

But seriously, it's all a giant load.
My freshman computer teacher asked us what we thought about superstitions once... I told her they were like regular stitions, only super, which is why I loooove superstitions...

Yeah, they are pretty dumb. I don't know anyone who's truly superstitious, although my friends and I play around a lot with seeing who has the most years of bad luck with walking under ladders and then remedy it all by throwing salt (and pepper and parmesan) over our shoulders in random pizza places before our bad luck catches up to us and we get kicked out (although I honestly don't see what the problem is, since we just gave an employee a free dirty floor to clean so that he can earn his/her daily wages).

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