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Super Simple Journal

Super Simple Journal - V2

I agree this needs to be simplified a bit. - Brewmeister (in response to feedback & excessive support requests)
* You only need to edit the list of tasks. The scripts will figure out the rest.
* Added a callback so you can use this from the menu, or from the map with the "Q" key
You will return to the map or menu from whence you came. :)
* Added @offset near tasks, to make it easier to specify a starting switch other than 1.
* Include separate Menu & Map mods so you don't have to edit any default scripts
* Added an option to use a custom windowskin for your journal

If you want a very simple journal, this is the script for you. This script creates a new journal screen for you that contains a list of quests that your character needs to complete. The player can scroll through the list, and that's it. You define your journal entries in the script, and then use switches to turn the entries on and off in your game. Easy!

Create Window_Journal

In this section, we will create the journal and its window.

1. Open your game and script editor. ( Tools -> Script Editor, Script Editor Icon, or F11 )

2. Right-Click on Main, and select Insert

2. In the name box, type Window_Journal

3. In the code page (right side), copy & paste the following script:
Remember to turn off line numbers before using the "Select All" button!


# Window_Journal


#  This window displays a journal.



class Window_Journal < Window_Selectable

    # ------------------------

    def initialize

       super(0, 32, 460, 330) 



    # populate your journal with entries.

       @data = [] 

       @data[1] = "Help Man"

       @data[2] = "Kill Chicken"

       @data[3] = "Make cow eat"

       @data[4] = "Sniff the Glove"

       @data[5] = "Jump off a bridge after your friends"


    # this is the offset for your switches. If you start with switch 100, set

    # @offset = 99


    @offset = 0


    ### to change the windowskin for the journal

    #   self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("RMXP4life_Wood.png")





       @column_max = 1


       self.index = 0 





    # * Draw the contents of the item window


     def refresh

       if self.contents != nil


         self.contents = nil



       # variables

       @journal_height = (@data.size - 1)*32   # y coord of entire journal (# of entries - 1) * 32

       @n = 0                    # y coord for each entry

       @item_max = 0              # max items to display


       # draw the bitmap. the text will appear on this bitmap

       self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, @journal_height)


       for i in [email=1...@data.size]1...@data.size[/email]

         if $game_switches[i + @offset] == true


           @item_max += 1







    # * Draw an individual item in the window

    #    index : Index of the item to be drawn



     def draw_item(index)

          item = @data[index]

          rect = Rect.new(10, @n, 640, 32)

          self.contents.fill_rect(rect, Color.new(0,0,0,0))     

          self.contents.draw_text(10, @n, 640, 32, "●", 0)

          self.contents.draw_text(25, @n, 640, 32, item, 0)

          @n += 32





Create Scene_Journal

In this section, we will create the scene that will contain our journal window. The scene determines where the journal window will appear to users and what happens when keys are pressed.

1. Open your script editor.

2. Add a new script called Scene_Journal below Window_Journal (above Main) in your script list.

3. In Scene_Journal, add the following code:


    #  Scene_Status


    # This class contains the windows for the character status menu that can be 

    #   accessed from the main menu.



    class Scene_Journal


      #  Initialize the Status menu


      def initialize(callback = 0)  #callback from menu

        @callback = callback



      def main


        @journal_window = Window_Journal.new

        @journal_window.x = 90

        @journal_window.y = 70




        loop do




          if $scene != self










      #   Draw the Status menu


      def update


        if @journal_window.active







      #   Update menu after player makes a selection


      def update_item


        # Cancel key pressed (go to menu)

        if Input.trigger?(Input::B) or Input.trigger?(Input::L)


          if @callback == 0

            $scene = Scene_Menu.new(4)


            $scene = Scene_Map.new








Create Scene_Menu_Mods (optional)

In this section, we will add Journal to the main menu. It will appear after Status.

1. Open your script editor.

2. Add a new script called Scene_Menu_Mods below Scene_Journal (above Main) in your script list.

3. In Scene_Menu_Mods, add the following code:

class Scene_Menu


    # * Object Initialization

    #    menu_index : command cursor's initial position


    def initialize(menu_index = 0)

      @menu_index = menu_index



    # * Main Processing


    def main

      # Make command window

      s1 = $data_system.words.item

      s2 = $data_system.words.skill

      s3 = $data_system.words.equip

      s4 = "Status"

      s5 = "Journal"

      s6 = "Save"

      s7 = "End Game"

      @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7])

      @command_window.index = @menu_index

      # If number of party members is 0

      if $game_party.actors.size == 0

        # Disable items, skills, equipment, and status






      # If save is forbidden

      if $game_system.save_disabled

        # Disable save



      # Make play time window

      @playtime_window = Window_PlayTime.new

      @playtime_window.x = 0

      @playtime_window.y = 256

      @playtime_window.height = 96

      # Make steps window

      @steps_window = Window_Steps.new

      @steps_window.x = 0

      @steps_window.y = 352

      # Make gold window

      @gold_window = Window_Gold.new

      @gold_window.x = 0

      @gold_window.y = 416

      @gold_window.height = 64

      # Make status window

      @status_window = Window_MenuStatus.new

      @status_window.x = 160

      @status_window.y = 0

      # Execute transition


      # Main loop

      loop do

        # Update game screen


        # Update input information


        # Frame update


        # Abort loop if screen is changed

        if $scene != self




      # Prepare for transition


      # Dispose of windows








    def update_command

      # If B button was pressed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)

        # Play cancel SE


        # Switch to map screen

        $scene = Scene_Map.new



      # If C button was pressed

      if Input.trigger?(Input::C)

        # If command other than save or end game, and party members = 0

        if $game_party.actors.size == 0 and @command_window.index < 4

          # Play buzzer SE




        # Branch by command window cursor position

        case @command_window.index

        when 0  # item

          # Play decision SE


          # Switch to item screen

          $scene = Scene_Item.new

        when 1  # skill

          # Play decision SE


          # Make status window active

          @command_window.active = false

          @status_window.active = true

          @status_window.index = 0

        when 2  # equipment

          # Play decision SE


          # Make status window active

          @command_window.active = false

          @status_window.active = true

          @status_window.index = 0

        when 3  # status

          # Play decision SE


          # Make status window active

          @command_window.active = false

          @status_window.active = true

          @status_window.index = 0

        when 4  # journal

          # Play decision SE


          # Switch to journal scene

          $scene = Scene_Journal.new

        when 5  # save

          # If saving is forbidden

          if $game_system.save_disabled

            # Play buzzer SE




          # Play decision SE


          # Switch to save screen

          $scene = Scene_Save.new

        when 6  # end game

          # Play decision SE


          # Switch to end game screen

          $scene = Scene_End.new








 # ** Window_Steps


 #  This window displays step count on the menu screen.



 class Window_Steps < Window_Base


   # * Object Initialization


   def initialize

     super(0, 0, 160, 64)

     self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)




   # * Refresh


   def refresh


     self.contents.font.color = system_color

     self.contents.draw_text(0, 0, 50, 32, "Steps")

     self.contents.font.color = normal_color

     self.contents.draw_text(50, 0, 78, 32, $game_party.steps.to_s, 2)



Create Scene_Map_Mods (optional)

In this section, we will add a script to enable using the "Q" key to open the journal

1. Open your script editor.

2. Add a new script called Scene_Map_Mods below Scene_Menu_Mods (above Main) in your script list.

3. In Scene_Map_Mods, add the following code:

class Scene_Map

      alias journal_update update


      def update


        if Input.trigger?(Input::L)

          $scene = Scene_Journal.new(1)




Create Journal Entries

Now that you have your Journal set up, you need to add journal entries to it.

1. Go to your Window_Journal script.

2. Find this section:
@data[1] = "Task 1"
@data[2] = "Task 2"
@data[3] = "Task 3"

3. Replace the tasks with your own. For example:
@data[1] = "Find treasure for Jake"
@data[2] = "Get milk for Ma"
@data[3] = "Destroy the world"

Name your Journal Switches

Now that your journal entries are added to your journal, you turn them on and off with switches.
Let's name our switches so we can find them easily while making our game.

Note: The number assigned to each data entry needs to match the number assigned to each switch. For example, @data[2] = "Get milk for Ma" is turned on/off with switch 0002: Help Ma.

1. Add a new event to one of your maps.

2. Open the Event Commands window.

3. Click Control Switches, select the arrow next to Single and add the following by selecting each switch number, and typing in a name below:
0001: Help Jake
0002: Help Ma
0003: Destroy World

4. You can delete this event if you're not using it. Or leave it for an event you'll use. We just used it to add names to the switches.

Turn Entries On and Off

To turn entries on and off, simply turn the journal switches on or off in the Event Command window for an event on the map.

How do I add more journal entries?

To add new journal entries, you need to update your list of switches and your list of journal entires in Window_Journal.

1. Open the Window_Journal script and add another entry to the data[] array. for example, data[4] = "Save the world"

4. Exit the script editor, and open an event on your map. Add a new switch for the journal entry. (for example, 0004: Save World)

I don't want to start with switch 1

If you don't want to start your journal entry with switch 1, simply adjust the @offset variable in Window_Journal as follows:

Note: The following code assumes that you are starting at switch 100 instead of 1.

@offset = 99

I want to use a different windowskin for my journal

You can use a custom windowskin just for your journal window. For example, a parchment or book page, or just a different style of windowskin. You will need to make & place your custom windowskin in the GraphicsWindowskins folder in you project.

1) Right below the @offset variable, uncomment (delete the # sign) the following line:

self.windowskin = RPG::Cache.windowskin("RMXP4life_Wood.png")

2) Change the "RMXP4life_Wood.png" to the name of your custom windowskin.

And let me know if anything can be explained better, or doesn't work like it should.
One question when you play this script on the game in the quest part will only show save the world or we can put more description?
Thank you so much, Isopaha. I added a link to the demo at the top of the page. :)

Yep, you can make the entries much longer if you want. When you define your switches, you will probably want to use shorter descriptions because you don't have a lot of room in the Switch dialog box, but in the actual Journal script (Window_Journal), you can make them long enough to fit across the entire screen.
In Scene_Menu, replace

    s1 = $data_system.words.item
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.equip
    s4 = "Status"
    s5 = "Save"
    s6 = "End Game"
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6])


    s1 = $data_system.words.item
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.equip
    s4 = "Status"
    s5 = "Save"
    s6 = "End Game"
    s7 = "Journal"
    @command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6, s7])

When that's done, go to the end of line 165, press enter and add

      when 6  # Journal selected
        $scene = Scene_Journal.new

Great script lambchop, simplicity at it's best. I hope you don't mind me helping easydelta out :D
Blah, it works except it overlaps on my menu, do I need a Custom Menu? I don't think I have it in me @__@

And a error on line 168 NameError or something?
I can't really come up with something that counters that error, I'm still learning how to script after all. About the overlapping, you can change that by editing the Y positions of your windows. You can find them in Scene_Menu. After that you might need to change the height of some windows, just so they don't get cut off at the edge of your screen. You can find that in Window_something, where something is the name of the window you're trying to change. Hope this helps you ;)
EDIT: LMAO I forgot to add Scene_Journal -.-

It works perfectly! My first four quests are up, but there's no way to show they are completed? They just go away once switch is off?
Just turn the switch off once you have finished and it will go.
Hmm you could probably have a finished quest journal too using system. If you were really interested.
@dark-archangel:That time I used a version which doesn't allow me to use it but now it will,thanks.

EDIT:Where is the Window_Menu?

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