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Venetia":26dcbeos said:
Also, yes, the refrigerator is decent, but "realism" can't really be attained in a 32x(<70)pix space using traditional pixelling methods anyway.

http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... e_Bird.png[/img]


Maybe I'm not sure what you mean by "traditional" pixel methods.

You may just be referring to the method of using 5+ tones/shades per hue.

Kind of, I wouldn't say it's any particular thing, just a matter of making something more life like, either in color, texture, form, etc.  Generally with sprites I like to keep things simpler because it leaves a little more to the imagination so to speak.

If you were going for cartoony, then yeah you got it, but it needs to lose the predictable dither on the right

Yeah, partial selection, gausian blur at say around .75 ought to do it nicely.

and have a little more contrast in the palette.

Mostly on the edge parts, to make them appear to have more depth.

Additionally, the doors need volume--they have no depth.

Maybe a little, I think a few touch ups to the pallete and maybe just a slight edge darkening around the outside of the door area would be all the depth I'd give it, but that's just me.


Venetia":26dcbeos said:
If you have a thick skin, then: The stove is pillow-shaded. I also count 177 colors on it. So use a palette and refrain from pillow-shading. The burners lack a rim. It's difficult to tell the difference between the lit and non-lit versions. The burners' metal plating is too shiny/looks like fan blades. The handle on the door should be lower. There should be some indication of light reflection on the surface.

You're welcome to make your own version of it if you like, I kinda like mine the way it is.  Thanks for the suggestions though.

I appreciate your large vocabulary and the use of capitalization/punctuation, but it's rather difficult to see around the somewhat haughty airs you're putting on.

I can't help it, I'm a magnificent bastard.  `, )

Ninjitsu":26dcbeos said:
w00t a soccer ball!
The scale is weird though.
Thats a really big key...

It's cause they're icons, I generally make my icons so that the object will fill up the given space, even if one object is "smaller" or "larger" than another object.  If you want me to make a screen/map size version of something just tell me the character scale you're using (RTP, Breezy, etc) and I'll make it for ya.

Venetia: Don't triple post. Hit the modify button.
Oh ok.
I was looking at the detail on the soccer ball and the credit card, and compared to the scroll, and it doesnt seem like the same style; like 2 different people made them.
Ninjitsu":3rmtsm7m said:
Oh ok.
I was looking at the detail on the soccer ball and the credit card, and compared to the scroll, and it doesnt seem like the same style; like 2 different people made them.

I'm not sure who made the originals, which were like stock icon/clipart hooha for websites and such, those ones are just resize jobbies with a slight bit of editing.

I've also been experimenting with resize/edits of photo realistic stuff, like these two vending machines I did:
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... ding_1.png[/img] http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... ding_2.png[/img]
Ninjitsu":wscyt4og said:
Its kinda a shame that you cant see any of the products in the vending machine.
Too small.

LOL, well if I wasn't doing it RTP sized I might be able to give some more detail to the products inside, although you can tell some stuff by the basic color composition.  We had a thread on ADG at one point in which we talked about brand recognition through color composition.  I made this lil example:
http://www.backwater-productions.net/_a ... ompare.png[/img]

With the brands/logos on top it's hard to tell what a lot of them are because they're simple monochromatic schemes, where as the ones on bottom use a varied color composition which lets you easily identify a brand simply by the color.
Ninjitsu":3qe8i0o0 said:
Xbox, Nascar, UPS, Windows, Tide, NBC, Jif, ???,

NVidia - That was the other key point, some color composition forms of branding only work with some target markets, so while people who do a lot of computer work might easily recognize the NVidia color composition, those who don't wouldn't be able to identify it, or they would mis-identify as another brand.

Old School Nintendo,

...geez I feel old now.  I mean if the N64 is considered old school these days...yiy...where's my cane ya young whipper snapper, why back in my day video games only had FOUR colors and by God we LIKED IT!  UPHILL!  IN THE SNOW!  BOTH WAYS!  *mubble* *mubble*

...I actually forget what that one is myself...if I remember later I'll edit.

Whats's ADG, btw?

ADG = alt.design.graphics

It's a Usenet group, one that I frequent a lot.  We have a lot of good debates there...a bit flamey though, so you should always be prepared for incredibly harsh critiques...like I had one guy who was bitchin about minute pixel level alignment issues on my site's main logo (it's since been fixed).
Ninjitsu":29z0auov said:
Lol. Sorry, Grandpa. :p
Sorry for detracting from the thread.

*shrugs*  I don't think it detracts from the thread...adds a bit of fun I think.  I've always been confused with the Webbie preoccupation with "spam" (as they call it) and "going off topic"...although I guess part of that maybe stems from the fact that Webbie boards are single threaded, where as on Usenet you can have multiple threads within a thread which lends itself better to having multiple discussions within a single topic.

In any event, I'll update the other baby food jars like I did the one and then add them to this post in an edit later on, then I'm off to go work on the sprite generator for a few hours.
Onideus_Mad_Hatter":lhyoc5gr said:
where as on Usenet you can have multiple threads within a thread which lends itself better to having multiple discussions within a single topic.

AWSM. But wouldnt that lead to huge trees?
Ninjitsu":1zdidhbb said:
AWSM. But wouldnt that lead to huge trees?

Yeah, but navigation is much easier because most news browsers use a split window navigation system, one for threads, one for groups and one for the message, like nyah:
Thread roots are also collapsable (you click that little downward arrow with the minus sign).


Okay, here's the updated baby food jars:
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... anas_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... rots_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... apes_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... Meat_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... Peas_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... ries_2.png[/img]

Here's some jeweled knives I made awhile back, using an existing sword hilt and making my own blade:
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... nife_1.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... nife_2.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... nife_3.png[/img]

Venetia: Keep it on topic. We don't care how other forums do things in Resource Analysis. And for the second time, don't double post unless atleast 72 hours (3 days) have passed without anyone else adding anything to the convo.

Webbies...always fucking up thread continuity...and you wonder why we viciously attack you when you stumble onto Usenet via Google Groups.  I've always been curious though as to where these completely backwards notions about double posting and post editing came from originally...I mean it musta just been some completely fuckin stupid retard to say the least bit (my bet is on an AOL user).  *nods*

In other
yeah, yeah, don't get yer panties in a twist, it's still "on topic"...I know how you Webbies are, you see "spam" everywhere.  *rolls eyes*
related news.

Here's some other sprites I've done:
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... th_Tub.png[/img]
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... Stairs.png[/img]
So I was lookin through that icon mess that got posted the other day and I saw this one item and was like, "Cool, a paint roller, that's neat."  But alas, as I examined it closer I realized that it was just strange, gaudy looking nunchucks.  So then I thought...well why don't I make 'em ~into~ a paint roller, and VIOLA!
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... ller_1.png[/img]http://www.backwater-productions.net/RMXP_CSG/resources/Paint_Roller_2.png[/img]http://www.backwater-productions.net/RMXP_CSG/resources/Paint_Roller_3.png[/img]
...tis a paint roller.  It can be crappily animated too!
http://www.backwater-productions.net/RM ... Roller.gif[/img]
...yeah that needs work.

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