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What about when the battle finish?
I thought about that too but... when the battle is over?
What if you didn't have the time to dismiss the summoned monster, you would loose your party members till the next battle...



no, u can save your party when the summon is on, and at the end, recover your party from the saved variable

im thinking in do that script, but it will take a cople of days to be done, because im not a so much skilled scripter...



Ritios;183598 said:
Make the four party members AND the summons in the Actor Menu.
Give the party memver a skill called Summon (???)
Goto COMMON EVENTS and make an event where all the party members that would be in the party (You're going to need several of these events if you're party switches often) leave the party and the monster acotr actually enters the party.
For the skill 'Dismiss' do about the opposite making the monster leave but the party members come back. *Note : For this to work if you're going to have several different party members, during the event (You'd have to make a copy of the dissmiss skill) change the common event into another, removing the party member that left from joining and making it so thenew party member is called back.O_o

Switching members often? Yes I will be. My game will be using Sephirothspawn's party and class changing script.

Mike Portnoy;183609 said:
What about when the battle finish?
I thought about that too but... when the battle is over?
What if you didn't have the time to dismiss the summoned monster, you would loose your party members till the next battle...
Thats the thing, I want it so I can have the summon out on the field too, and summonable from the menu when not in battle.

Ogh - If you even try the script you will be doing me good.

Grimreaper - Thanks for that, I never thought about the xp for members if the summon is out, that is something I'll look into.

SephirothSpawn -That message to Ritios...I think its yours script because its in the credits at the top of the script, although I got it from someone different on a different site.



i will try do the script, but im whitout time... (work, college) this will be done in a month (maybe more) because i will do only in my free time... (what is rare)


Awesome Bro

Well, I couldn't find it, But have got so damn close to it, You can summon in battle, Dismiss in battle, and when the battle ends, you get your normal party back, But only Arshes/Aluxes battle sprite shows, Also, I can't figure out how to make THEM get the exp, Here's a demo, See if you like it so far:

I think I'm on the right track to what you need though, right ?

P.S - The Summon starts at lvl.20 (It needs to be strong, Lol), and it can Lvl up, Although you don't see this on the Menu or anything, Pretty cool I guess, if you don't want it to Lvl up, You could always just change the Max Lvl of it to 20, But that'd be no fun on the powerfuller Summons, Lol.

Another thing - Hilda is the one that can Summon on the Demo, and don't laugh at the Summon, it's just the first thing I clicked on, Lol.



Thank you Sephiroth, Trickster, whoever.

And thanks Jbrist, those events are like mine. (I have a common event one too) I just wanted it scripted so it could better remember who was in the party (If I had like 8 characters with 4 in reserve or something).

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