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Suikoden Rune System

I am wanting to try out the Suikoden Rune system in my game. Each character has 3 slots where they can equip runes. First one, only unlocks when you reach a certain level (example:35), the second one you start with and the third is just like the first one. Some slots for some characters cannot unlock till a certain part of the story. Example: Hero has 3 slots, the 1st and 3rd can be unlock thru leveling, but his second slot cannot be unlock till he gets to a certain part of the game.

I would like to be able to add this into a shop. Once there you can spend money to equip runes to slots, remove, etc. Each rune gives access to certain skills.

If you have played the suikoden series I hope you get the general ideal.
Click Moi

Make your runes defined as an armor type. Make the default to start out with one rune slot.

For learning new slots you'd have to make some common events. If Actor X is Y level & switch Z is on, or something like that. Of course you'd have to have that for all actors/classes in the same common event.

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