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Suicide, the easy way out?



Its Not.
Its Very Shilly.
I Feel Reali Sorry For The People Who Commited Suicide. I Bet Now, If They Could Still Think && Stuff, They Wouldnt Of Done It. Cause They Always Get Over It.
Even Something As Bad As Everyone In Yur Family Dying.
Yu Get Over It. Not Completely, Ofc, But Yu Feel Better And Continue With Yur Life Eventually.

Plus, Alot Of The People Who Kill Themselves Are Emo.
Emos Fault!
If That Person Wasnt Emo And Was A Chav, Skater, Indie, ..Anything But Emo.. He Probably Wouldnt Think Like That.

Yer Thats Very Stereotypical.. And Most Of My Friends Are Emos. I Get It Yelled At Me All The Time. I Dont Hate Emos :) Just Saying.

Someone Probably Already Said That But I Only Read The First Few.
Jay;231398 said:
Its Not.
Its Very Shilly.
I Feel Reali Sorry For The People Who Commited Suicide. I Bet Now, If They Could Still Think && Stuff, They Wouldnt Of Done It. Cause They Always Get Over It.
Even Something As Bad As Everyone In Yur Family Dying.
Yu Get Over It. Not Completely, Ofc, But Yu Feel Better And Continue With Yur Life Eventually.

Plus, Alot Of The People Who Kill Themselves Are Emo.
Emos Fault!
If That Person Wasnt Emo And Was A Chav, Skater, Indie, ..Anything But Emo.. He Probably Wouldnt Think Like That.

Yer Thats Very Stereotypical.. And Most Of My Friends Are Emos. I Get It Yelled At Me All The Time. I Dont Hate Emos :) Just Saying.

Someone Probably Already Said That But I Only Read The First Few.

OK, firstly get past the stereotype that only emos think suicidally, I mean what are you 12?

But anyway suicide is something that ideally can't be helped. People get pushed and when they fall off the edge they don't give a shit, so they just let themselves drop into the void, you don't have to be emo to feel like that. This shit happens on a daily basis, and yes it's stupid but who in blazes are we to tell them what to do? It's their choice, I mean call me demented but in a sense letting them get on with it is like euthanasia, you're giving them a door out from their self-afflicted misery, they're not influenced to do this, they chose to do it, and in the end they're doing it to themselves, so just let them die if they choose to, you're not being a samaritan trying to change their minds.

EDIT: Back to the original post, if he had such a great life why would he have killed himself? How do you know that he was the one who did it? Not being conspiring but it sounds like they're jumping to conclusions to me....



No, Im Not 12.
Im Just Saying If Theyre Werent Emo They Wouldnt Think Like That.
Im Not Saying They Dont Have A Reason.

Thats Just What I Think.
I Swear I Only Signed Up Today And All Ive Got Is Abuse On This Forum.



Jay said:
Im Just Saying If Theyre Werent Emo They Wouldnt Think Like That.

That's not true. I had a friend who was the exact opposite of emo (she was bubbly, hyper etc. etc.) but she still wanted to commit suicide. It has nothing to do if you fit in the stereotype of an emo. It has everything to do with how you handle situations.

Jay said:
I Swear I Only Signed Up Today And All Ive Got Is Abuse On This Forum.

And if you want the abuse to stop, don't say things that aren't true and please type better. There is no reason for you to Type Like This All The Time. Man, how do you do that? @_@ Slows down my typing considerably.



Rye;231612 said:
That's not true. I had a friend who was the exact opposite of emo (she was bubbly, hyper) but she still wanted to commit suicide. It has nothing to do if you fit in the stereotype of an emo. It has everything to do with how you handle situations.

And if you want the abuse to stop, don't say things that aren't true and please type better. There is no reason for you to Type Like This All The Time. Man, how do you do that? @_@ Slows down my typing considerably.

Mmm. =]
I wasn't talking about bubbly hyper people.
Talking about emos.

Forget it man. :s

And okie sorry, I'll talk properly. Thats how I speak on MSN =] Dunno why.
Jay;231613 said:
Mmm. =]
And okie sorry, I'll talk properly. Thats how I speak on MSN =] Dunno why.

Precisely, and this isn't msn right? :D

From a personal stand point I could never commit suicide for 2 reasons.

Generally my first reason would be that if I was feeling that I wanted to die there and then, the only thing I could be sure of is that my life could only improve from there.

Secondly, I would feel to much guilt. For the people that I would hurt, for others that have died unfairly, for those in worse situations than I was in at that moment in time.

After suicide, theres no chance to change your mind.
@Lots of people
No duh. By God. Yes, it's never the best answer. Yes, it's terrible for the people that love you. So, unless you think that everyone who has ever commited suicide is totally unfeeling and short-sighted, then there's got to be something else to is, don't you think.

I don't think it's totally wrong to say that Emo-ism can glorify suicide. Not that people won't commit suicide otherwise, but I do think it's unhealthy to obsess over it.
Well firstly, I would like to clarify some issues here, "emo" is not a social clique, if you will, it is a genre of music, for instance if you like to listen to metal music, does that make you a metalhead? Or does it just make a fan of a genre of music? I speak as one who has been thrust into a stereotype, based on my appearance. Yes I dye my hair and where some makeup, in support of my favorite band. Do football fans that paint their face automatically become clowns, because they wear face paint?
Another misconception with "emoism" is that "emo kids are depressed and obsessed with suicide" have any of the people who say/think that stopped and realized "emo" is short for EMOTIONAL, as in not just sadness and depression. People(especially guys) are typically raised to think that showing emotion is a sign of weakness, and so when confronted with someone who freely express emotion, they shun them and/or label them as "freaks"
anywho, back to the suicide debate:
I think suicide is perfectly natural, and those who have said, "It's a spur of the moment thing, when they're not being rational" that's complete crap. There have been two kids at my school who committed suicide, one of whom was a close friend of mine. In my freshman year at my high school, a sophomore girl slashed her neck in the bathroom with a pocket knife. Last year(my sophomore year) a very close friend of mine killed himself, after almost a whole year of mulling it over after his dad died. His dad died of bone cancer and his mother completely ignored him afterwards, at first he would call me in the middle of the night because he wanted to hang out, because he couldn't sleep. After he started to get more and more depressed, he started cutting, and eventually he wrote a three page suicide note and downed 4 bottles of painkillers and his mother found him the next morning. The suicide note, he had dated everything and explained that it was not anyone else's fault but he couldn't live the way he was. There are also many unstable kids that really should get help, my ex-girlfriend for instance, tried killing herself a couple weeks ago because I refused to get back together with her and was seeing someone else, and whilst we were together, she did crazy things like once, she stole an x-acto knife from one of the art rooms and carved my name into her arm. And yet despite these events, I still think that if someone decides that they are going to take their life, far be it from us to judge them, to do so is to dishonor their memory.
[/my rant]
I totally agree with Westward, we shouldn't judge those who wish to kill themselves. As I said earlier in this thread, suicide is found as a way to escape. The problem with it it's a permanent solution to a tempoary problem. If you can't fix something yourself, you should get help. Killing yourself might in the persons way free them of the trouble. Like a murderer who kills for the heat of the moment, it's that same experience for those who kill themselves. I always hold the philsophy that no matter how bad it is now, it could be worse and that they should really thank themselves for what they have, even if what they have is nothing. Life is a blessing, it's just a shame that most people fall from that way of thinking. However, all people who commit suicide should not be disrespected for doing so. People make decisions all the time, not everyone will agree with those decisions whether their good or bad.
No, they shouldn't be disrespected, but that doesn't make it right as a decision. As scared as we are of change, (as pointed out), permenance is worse. The world's big. There are lots of solutions in it. They're not all obvious though.



Maybe you're right Roman Candle, but who said it was a "right" decision for you to even post here? If someone commits suicide it isn't wrong and it isn't right. They just chose to solve something for themselves in a different way then you would. I have pondered suicide, but I have come to the conclusion that it's not for me, but who is to say that someone else won't see it as their way out?
Suicide is the worst. It's not a way a out, because when you die you go nowhere, you die, your brain stops functioning and you will no longer feel or think.

NO matter how many problems you have unsolved, quitting life is just coward"-ish" and plain stupid, because you won't live again, and if you fail to realize the value of life, you end up dead because you are moron.

Ofcourse there are other situations like having a real bad sickness that will surely kill you sometime soon and you can't live your life outside a house/hospital in a bed, suicide/<wordforkillingsomebodywiththepersonincauserequest> can be considered, because THAT's a sucky life.



Maybe thats what I meant by a way out? Like a cancer victim or something. Either way that victim has the choice to stick it out or end it now. It's up to him.



PeteD2S;247925":1b158729 said:

That would be a mercy killing. Based on your response, I will assume that you are atheist and do not believe in an afterlife. Most people who suicide are not already dieing. They are perfectly healthy, (except maybe for some abuse) but feel that the only way to escape their "pain," whatever it may be, is to die.

There are cases where I believe mercy killing is acceptable, like when a person has been in a terminally ill ward for years with no hope of recovery or healing, or if they've been in a coma for years, but to me, suicide is never acceptable. For these people it truly is better to die than to continue living without hope.

For a person contemplating suicide, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.
I think emo looks really good. Like the long fringe, black leather shit. and spikes. lots of spikes. I have really long hair (im a guy) which if i put my fringe over my face goes past my mouth. It sort of grows into a natural emo fringe. And i want to die it black =] (And stab.west. you have wicked hair). I think suicide is just fucking dumb. Shit will get better. If you think ohhhh my life sucks i wanna kill myself cause im so sad, then do something about it. Ive read the chicken soup books, people want to kill themselves because their dads sexually abuse them, beat them up etc. So go to Cyfs! Get fostered, move in with rellies. People kill themselves simply because they are too embarrassed to tell anyone their problems, they think everyone will hate them. So? id rather everybody that i knew despised me then be dead because i have a life outside of other people. Sure, i would be bored as hell at night, but ill find other hobbies. And I could get a better job than being a shelf-stacker at a supermarket. But nobody hates me so screw you, above minimum wage. =]
Darkfire;253202 said:
That would be a mercy killing. Based on your response, I will assume that you are atheist and do not believe in an afterlife. Most people who suicide are not already dieing. They are perfectly healthy, (except maybe for some abuse) but feel that the only way to escape their "pain," whatever it may be, is to die.

There are cases where I believe mercy killing is acceptable, like when a person has been in a terminally ill ward for years with no hope of recovery or healing, or if they've been in a coma for years, but to me, suicide is never acceptable. For these people it truly is better to die than to continue living without hope.

For a person contemplating suicide, there is always hope for a better tomorrow.

Red Dawn;255806 said:
I think emo looks really good. Like the long fringe, black leather shit. and spikes. lots of spikes. I have really long hair (im a guy) which if i put my fringe over my face goes past my mouth. It sort of grows into a natural emo fringe. And i want to die it black =] (And stab.west. you have wicked hair). I think suicide is just fucking dumb. Shit will get better. If you think ohhhh my life sucks i wanna kill myself cause im so sad, then do something about it. Ive read the chicken soup books, people want to kill themselves because their dads sexually abuse them, beat them up etc. So go to Cyfs! Get fostered, move in with rellies. People kill themselves simply because they are too embarrassed to tell anyone their problems, they think everyone will hate them. So? id rather everybody that i knew despised me then be dead because i have a life outside of other people. Sure, i would be bored as hell at night, but ill find other hobbies. And I could get a better job than being a shelf-stacker at a supermarket. But nobody hates me so screw you, above minimum wage. =]

Glad you understand me. Suicide is just a selfish and wrong way to solve your problems.
Also the word I wasn't remembering is Euthanasia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euthanasia
If I was going to die soon anyway, and my days were filled with pain, (from injury, disease, the knowledge that i lived while so and so died, whatever) I wouldnt want to die. I would spend my money on playstation 3 games, a playstation 3, lots of delicious food etc and the time would fly by. Despite my pain, i could still be happy. And i would jack off a lot. Did you know every time you orgasm a massive rush of endorphyns (sp?) get released? Endorphyns make you happy. So i would be very very happy, and then i would die. Rather than die early miserable, id die later happy.

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