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Studio32 on the RMXP Strip (PA)



http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... udio32.png[/img]
Well, everyone seems to be making workshops for their WIP and older stuff, so wahay, heres my very own ... studio
I have Concepts, WIP ... but no real finished stuff ... ... ...

Armour Concepts

Remake of Squall

Boredom = Template = Death

Serious Boredom = Seriously DIE!


Gearsticks and Levers ~ Steamboat Tileset
Knight in dull white armour to the rescue ...
http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... ghts12.png[/img]
Almost forgot all about this guy ... would make a decent battler
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... Scythe.png[/img]
The good Old ISO RTP Template ... that bounced its way out an over he hills ....
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... tooges.png[/img]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/BrokenPixals/Bouncy.gif[/img]
Its a Shame Scriptkitty isn't here ... :,(
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... cdc963.png[/img]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/BrokenPixals/RMXP%20Design/ef23f3b0.png[/img]
Does this ever finish ...
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... 5a24c2.png[/img]
Oh, just time for a quick Tutorial ... only without the words, I forgot my speech sue me.
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... /Shirt.png[/img]http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/BrokenPixals/RMXP%20Design/Black.png[/img]
Some of my fav WS
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... ndMoon.png[/img]
Arshes Taking a Bow
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... ses_01.png[/img]
Originally for Akasha Seal - By Scriptkitty
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/ ... rKnees.gif[/img]http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/AikonStudios/Scriptkitties%20Album/Akasha%20Seal/AbMagic.gif[/img]

And I think thats about it. If theres enough interest (£_£) then I could reasonable re-vamp or just plain finish these. You can post C&C all you want, a lot of this was done ages ago, probably even before .Org, so its not like they're amazingly good anyway.

Creds if used :>>>

Second page of goodies
Don't be so modest, my friend. You know that your work is nothing short of amazing.

I can never get over how kick ass Abbaddon was in Akasha Seal, and now I see why. I didn't know it was you who made the sprite animations for him. Ace.

I'd kill to see that steamboat tile set completed.

Didn't you start on more pixelled face sets, like your avatar?
Jeezum christmas, I'd never seen that steam engine. How kick ass is that?

Your animations are great, too. Very fluid. Except on the Akasha Seal dude, the animation where he ... "poofs" into a cloud, his cape pops up weirdly. Otherwise, ::clap::

Moar finished products! MOAR!
Nice job. I especially love the gearsticks and mechanical stuff you got going there. You've always posted some good work, I'd love to see more completed stuff. :D



Hehe, thanks guys.

I did some stuff for Akasha Seal, only cos Scriptkittys Naruto project was shoved on hold.

The steamboat tileset i've actually got down as a request from TREG way back when.  I'd have to redo a lot of it for the current styles of the time, also I seem to remember most of the gears and stuff I wanted to animate, which is probably why I never finished it, EVENTS GALORE!!!

I did do Ixion aswell as Ifrit, had this thing with summoning demons in my games, each would have a face graphic and battle anim ... only I never got its horn right ...
Also had this one lurking n the corner ...
Good Ol' 7th Sense
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... Use_03.png[/img]

Completed stuff huh ... *rummages*

Bridge I editted for my canal city
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... Bridge.png[/img]
Rope bridge that dips downwards
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... 5295dd.png[/img]
Random Sprites usually used as Avatars
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... irteen.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/Ava.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/Beltman2.png[/img]
ISO House Tileset ~ From the beginning of my game ... which never started
January Sales!! in RTP!
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... e/Mark.png[/img]
Random Icons ... oh so bad ...
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... oPaper.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/Free%20for%20Use/StevoItem.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/Free%20for%20Use/StevoGun.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/Free%20for%20Use/StevoFace.png[/img]
http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/J ... llets4.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/St3v0/StevoBullets3.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/St3v0/StevoBullets2.png[/img]http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j55/JuuNiExperiment/JuuNi%20Experiment/St3v0/StevoBullets1.png[/img]
Unused tileset from my Delta Force series ...
Something to lighten the tone
Go Mouse Drawing!!
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... nbu_00.png[/img]
TREG wanted this one finished aswell
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... REG_00.png[/img]
Dancing old man .... what I was smoking I do not know ...
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... /Dance.gif[/img]
Request from Lene
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... ses_02.png[/img]
Entitled "Not ccoa" ... not my fualt she sent me that photo >:D
Speedball 3032
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... Male03.png[/img]
I'm a beautiful Butterfly
Something creepy this way comes ... from the attic
http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... Wooden.png[/img]

anyway, still got loads of stuff, mostly unfinished.  If I come across anything finished I'll post it :>



Oh hell no ... I was gonna do some stuff with these http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a327/ ... erFolk.png[/img]
Had a whole war against bird people with the enemy strapping mechanical wings ... very steampunk, but figured it'd be hell of a job to animate.

Yeah ... joined them, did a sheet, then they said, "that'd be great outfit for this character", just needed to shorten it, change the head, walk, wieght and everything about the damn sheet ... so I quit.  The list continues on projects I'e joined then quit ... the current project is the MMO @ the Palace with these templates, which they now want 8x6 with different character poses, wieghts, age, emotes..... etc.
http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... Temp16.png[/img]

Also http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... tled-2.png[/img]

And my 2007 Christmas Message
http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... iSanta.png[/img]

Because nearly everything is a WIP
http://i207.photobucket.com/albums/bb13 ... ns/Cog.gif[/img]
Oh it seems you never finish much. That's the whim of the artist. It would be great to see some things done and use that energy you have to compleate stuff instead of moving on to other things. All of these are really well done but my favorite is the very first one of the knights you posted. Hardly fisniehd at all but the linework seems like they could be extreamly awesome costumes. Too bad you don't make a game. It would be so beautiful with your skills.



Well, thats the thing, a lot of these are for games, but to use them would mean doing all the characters from scratch, tilesets Battlers, enemies, not too mention the bloody WS!!! which would take forever.  So I get caught in the "I'll never finish tall these by myself, yet alone get the scripts for it" and since I'd want it all the same style, which is pretty much me saying no-one would be able to keep the same level of quality that I'd want unless they're charging, I can't get a group together to do most my projects.

I did do an all RTP project, but even then the amount of poses, recolours and frankensprites, not too mention the tileset extensions and just getting the events setup to use the poses and timing the characters just went over my head so I dumped it .... maybe I expect too much from myself ... hmmm
I hear ya. I'm doing a project and still haven't gotten zip done on it and it's been a year. Games that are quality take time even for professionals that have large teams. So it's expected to end up taking large amounts of time and getting overwhelled very quickly because there is tons to do, especially alone. And yeah your quiality would be hard to match. If you wanted a team you'd have to perhaps get decent enough spriters and then go over their stuff yourself so you can place your style in and perfect it so at least some of the work is cut for you.

I think though if you pushed yourself until you started to see progress it gets more exciting and the intrest stays alive as you see your ideas take shape. At least I feel that's how it is for me.

But anyways that's making a tangent from the pixles. Nice job anyways, but like I said before it's sad to see talent like this wasted with it all unfinished.
Waouw, all your realisations are so great, I really like them !
You're a very talented pixels artist... If only I can speak better english, I don't have enough word to congratulate you ! (yeah, I'm a poor french guy)



This is true, most my projects barely get past the intro sequence.  So maybe if I just aim to get to the playable part it shouldn't be too bad afterwards.  I would thankyou, but I swear your signiture is pointing at me .. :<

Futurescape was sorta gonna be like Morrowind ... only set in the future
The Windmill ... god what a pain

I also had some sand huts based he base of the windmill ... not sure where they are now though ...
I know I keep commenting in this thread, but every time I look I see something that needs to be commented on. Your geometrics are fantastic you should make a tutorial on those alone.

What happened to the rest of the futuristic tileset? I remember you having a train and a few more trinkets and gadgets in it. Also, where's the casino looking tileset you started on?
LOL, the speedball 3032's would be perfect base soldiers for a bomberman type game. I really like that fact that you have some futuristic tilesets. And as J said, It'd be really cool to see those as completed works.
All the cogs in the steam engine WOULD be a horrible burden of lag with events, but you could perhaps make 32x32 cogs/pieces of cogs, and place them in animated autotiles? That may cut down on a lot of lag ... :)

(of course I suppose that could mean some fairly slow-turning cogs, but it's a thought >_>)



Jstreet":1ui1shgy said:
Your geometrics are fantastic you should make a tutorial on those alone.

What happened to the rest of the futuristic tileset? I remember you having a train and a few more trinkets and gadgets in it. Also, where's the casino looking tileset you started on?

That depends on what geometrics your talking about, 'I R SIMPLE SPRITR' ... hmm ...

A lot of the tileset and later work was on my sponsor FTP, I can't access it at the mo, nor can I find it on any of my backups.  Also the http://have disapeared from the original post. See, All gone and closed for Necroposting  But you can see from the comments, it was apparantly really awesome.

Clizzz":1ui1shgy said:
LOL, the speedball 3032's would be perfect base soldiers for a bomberman type game. I really like that fact that you have some futuristic tilesets. And as J said, It'd be really cool to see those as completed works.

Without the original pds files I'd be a little afraid of restarting this on just the few screens I've got.

Venetia":1ui1shgy said:
All the cogs in the steam engine WOULD be a horrible burden of lag with events, but you could perhaps make 32x32 cogs/pieces of cogs, and place them in animated autotiles? That may cut down on a lot of lag ... :)

(of course I suppose that could mean some fairly slow-turning cogs, but it's a thought >_>)

I wasn't thinking of Lag, I just couldn't be asked to animate all the cogs, have the rumbleing engine on the cranes.  Although it did at one time make a slight effort a being an airship. JFYI.

The Four Chapters of one of my games ~ Each having a good half hour, forty-five minutes worth of gameplay ... on paper anyway
Almost futuristic ... in a sad and depressing sorta way ... I can't believe I made this.


When HKs were first ever seen .. I mutulated them.
http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b191/ ... prites.png[/img]
Those bright, vibrant sprites at the bottom of your last post are lovely, they look fairly simple too do as well... make thousands and that would be great! :P

I'm all for the push to get the cog thing complete too if you ever were bored, it doesn't matter if they weren't animated or perhaps only a few cogs were.  The good thing about cogs is they don't have a pre-defined size so they could fit into most tilesets with a little modifications.
Hey I've been looking for HK tilesets, do you have any I could use? Oh and so I'm on topic I like your work man! I didn't know there was an ISO rtp template...

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