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String Paragraphs?

Is it possible to make a string to have more than one line of text?
If it is possible, how can I do that?
I have tried to use the "\n" method, but it just replaces it with a blank and the string still shows
in one line.

Well, a string is always just a range of characters. The \n symbol is a commonly used marker to tell the interpreting code to put in a line break, however you have to program that. Since you can't just replace \n's with <br>s like in HTML, but instead need to draw text, you could split at that symbol, like so:

[rgss]string = "Hello\nWorld!"
output = string.split(/\\n/) # populates an array with individual lines, seperated by the \n symbol
for i in 0..output.size
  self.contents.draw_text(line, 4, i * 32, 200, 200, output)
Then you need to get size of each letter when you're drawing them on a sprite/window (whatever you're gonna use it for).

If goes something like this:

def draw_paragraph(bitmap, input_string, start_x  = 0, start_y = 0, letter_spacing = 5)
  x, y = start_x, start_y
  output = string.split(/\\n/)
     for i in 0..line.size - 1
        letter = line[i, 1]
        let_r = bitmap.text_size(letter)
        bitmap.draw_text(x, y, let_r.w, let_r.h, letter)
        x += let_r.width + letter_spacing
        if x >= bitmap.width
         x = start_x
         y += let_r.height + letter_spacing
     x = start_x
     y += bitmap.text_size(line).height + letter_spacing

Something like this. Hope I gave you idea what to do next. :)
MarioSuperStar":2nclhlw1 said:
I had to put "\n" instead of the backslashes, but it worked.
Oh, really? I thought split uses a regular expression pattern... oops ^^"

And yeah, getting the letter size is a cool thing if you want automatic line breaks, letter-by-letter systems or the like. If you know where your line breaks are going to be, that is not necessary.
Coming to think of it, there is a quite awesome method by Trickster (out of his MACL) that, among others, my latest Multiple Language script takes advantage of. It's pretty simple and straightforward.

class Bitmap


  def draw_wrap_text(x, y, width, height, text, lineheight)

    strings = text.split

    strings.each do |string|

      word = string + ' '

      word_width = text_size(word).width

      x, y = 0, y + lineheight if x + word_width > width

      self.draw_text(x, y, word_width, height, word)

      x += word_width





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