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Strawberrii's Concerns

Hey everyone!

Currently, and ever since a week or so ago, I've been feeling light-headed, heavy-bodied, woobly, and maybe even OVERLY tired.

I feel like passing out is the greatest idea ever right now.

It's been like this since a week or so ago. Everything would just blur together in my vision, and I would try to move, but it would take me longer to do anything.

Right now, my head feels so... weird.
I have things I SHOULD be doing, but just passing out... Feels better than this.

Any ideas on what I should do, or what this could be?
Try describing a few things. How exactly does your vision blur? What makes you feel light-headed, or woobly, or tired, or heavy-bodied?

For example, I get some of those things, but it's because I tend to have low blood pressure, so standing up too fast can regularly get to the point where my vision starts to fade. When that happens, it kind of turns black over this background static of colorful noise that fades in from the edges. It also makes me feel light-headed, but not in an "I'm going to throw up" way, it's more in an "I suddenly feel like my head is trying to pull me to the ceiling" way, if that makes any sense. (That last bit isn't quite literal, but it's as apt a description as I can think of.) It also makes it where my body feels like it's moving oddly, as though everything moves too easily and it's hard to control where it should be going. (Oddly, this can invert itself too, where everything feels like it's too hard to move, then I suddenly get feedback from my foot telling me I just kicked a stair step)

^ That bit is true, but I'm using it as an example of what I'm asking you to provide.
I don't know what makes me feel this way.

I didn't do anything different than normal as far as I can tell.

Heavy-bodied: Walking, moving, typing takes forever. I have to put one foot in front the other quite slowly. Feels like gravity has worsened or something.

Now my ears are ringing.

Light-headed: Like it feels like falling to the side - holding it up is difficult.

Woobly: It FEELS like I'm shaking a lot, but it doesn't LOOK that way.

The ringing stopped, hm.

Tired: I slept until 12noon today - first I've done that on my own. Even so, a HUGE part of me just wants crawl, literally crawl, to bed and lay down. But I might fall sleep after that.

Lifting my arms/hands to do anything above me, is difficult. Like moving in slow motion.

My eyes don't blur, blur, but I do feel like I'm just... existing. Just here. Like zoned-out, or confusion?

Does that help, Glitchy? ;_;


Awesome Bro

You slept until noon? ... I slept until 5pm, lol.

Also, I started having side effects like that when I started taking epilim and lamotrigine (Two different types of epilepsy medication) together, apparently the dosages were so high it was causing negative effects...

So maybe the dosage on your medication is too high, causing these things to happen? I mean, my dosage is slowly being knocked down, and I feel better for it, although I still get the random zombie day every now and then, but meh.

Have you ever sat there and all of a sudden you see stars (Well, we call them stars), but when you try to look at them they move away and it's like what the fuck I want to look at you, and while this is happening you feel light headed and dizzy? I get this quite often, just wondering if you would too since it's a medication related issue, for me atleast anyways.

Seriously, you should book an appointment to see your doctor, the sooner the better, and see if there's anything s/he can do, don't forget... the best solution to solve any problem is a salmon to the face.
This sounds like a case of dehydration to me. I've become extremely dehydrated twice and it has the similar effects as you describe. What has your water intake been like?
But as others have said, you definitely want to see a doctor due to how long it's lasted!
Honestly you are describing symptoms of a hell of a lot of things there!! Some things that are simple and easily-remedied, like low blood sugar/pressure, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Could be something common like anxiety attacks, withdrawal from medication or drugs, or a type of migraine headache or vitamin imbalance. Or, more serious things ... like if you can't seem to walk a straight line, or if you've recently hit your head, or if you're getting a tingling/numb/painful sensation in your leg, or if you have a fever, too.

At any rate, considering how long it's been happening, you should really get in for a check-up. At the very least, get a blood test.
You mentioned in another thread that your medications weren't working. If you cut them cold turkey, it is pretty likely you're going through withdrawals. I get those same symptoms when I run out of dexedrine.

Of course that's my natural state, unmedicated, to be horrifically sleepy. But it's worse while going through withdrawals, like I can't move.

Also there are pain medications that can make you feel like that (I am taking one for fibromyalgia; it turns me into a lethargic brick).
Have you ever sat there and all of a sudden you see stars (Well, we call them stars), but when you try to look at them they move away and it's like what the fuck I want to look at you, and while this is happening you feel light headed and dizzy? I get this quite often, just wondering if you would too since it's a medication related issue, for me atleast anyways.

Seriously, you should book an appointment to see your doctor, the sooner the better, and see if there's anything s/he can do, don't forget... the best solution to solve any problem is a salmon to the face.

I might have. As for it being a medication issue, I haven't really been skipping out on my meds and nothing has really changed about them.

I don't have a personal doctor, but I can see what I can do.

well i already posted on FB.

i think you need to be healthier or just see a doc!!! water bro!

I know! I drink water, just not a lot of it. XD I have a bottle of water I use in the fridge that I drink in between meals and stuff.

This sounds like a case of dehydration to me. I've become extremely dehydrated twice and it has the similar effects as you describe. What has your water intake been like?
But as others have said, you definitely want to see a doctor due to how long it's lasted!

Someone else told me the same thing actually. o.o See above for water intake]

Honestly you are describing symptoms of a hell of a lot of things there!! Some things that are simple and easily-remedied, like low blood sugar/pressure, lack of sleep, or dehydration. Could be something common like anxiety attacks, withdrawal from medication or drugs, or a type of migraine headache or vitamin imbalance. Or, more serious things ... like if you can't seem to walk a straight line, or if you've recently hit your head, or if you're getting a tingling/numb/painful sensation in your leg, or if you have a fever, too.

I wish I knew if something was different, but nothing's really changed. Some suggested I could call a doctor and tell them what's been going on. o.o

You mentioned in another thread that your medications weren't working. If you cut them cold turkey, it is pretty likely you're going through withdrawals. I get those same symptoms when I run out of dexedrine.

Now worries, I haven't stopped taking them. So I know it isn't withdrawls. o.o
Stop actin' like a damn kid. Si'down and shu'up! You can't give up now! There ain't no gettin' off of this train we on! I don't got any answers. I wanna be with Marlene... But I gotta fight. 'Cause if I don't, the forum's gonna die... So I'm gonna keep fightin'! I'll go upside your spikey blonde head and bring you back to normal!

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