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Stopgap measures

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its looking like he exploited Drupal- therefore there isn't a log.
The IP should still be visible in the webserver logs. Those are the ugly looking plain text things, not ones done by nice looking programs.

Though depending on the host and way of accessing it, you may not have access to those. Either way though, it's nice to see the site back up and running again instead of a database error message. Missed it :)
Sigh.. we can't read like the first 50 topics in every board.. frustrating, frustrating. @ccoa/erk But I assume there has been made a backup a few weeks ago right (if monthly, today 11th)? Can't it just be placed over all this?



No. The backups were running daily, and the backup for that day overwrote the backup for the previous day. Thus, we have no backup of the forum before the hack.
I second that.

So what you say ccoa. Is that, from the very beginning of Rmxp.org THE backup shelter, there is NO SINGLE backup left????

What kinda backupshelter ... No. I am not allowed to say that. Ok. Well lets try to do our best and restore all posts. At least the one with resources :P

Edit: Oke... I encountered already in 5 minutes 7 posts off people wich are asking.. what the heel. Maybe some of the admin's can put a newsflash big on top of the forums?



No, Me, there was always a recent backup. However, our host was so arthritic (it took them 5 freaking hours) about restoring the site from that backup that the automatic backup had already run, destroying the good backup.



Actually, what apparently happened is that their first rollback, which would have been good, didn't work for some reason. We requested they try again right away, but they didn't try again until about 12 hours later, long after the backup was overwritten. I am going to file a complaint; it is our responsibility to back up our material, but if they are going to advertise a rolling backup system on the server, they need to be able to follow through with it.
That's terrible. In a situation like this, wouldn't be ok to backup the forum yourself as well because the server we're on doesn't seem very reliable. I don't have much vbulletin experience but I do know IP will let you do this at any given time.




ccoa said:
I would like everyone to know we have scheduled our own backups to run very, very frequently and keep old copies rather than overwrite them. If this were to ever happen again, the most we would lose is 1-3 days worth of posts.

We have. Live and learn, I suppose.
Ok, let me get this straight. We all (and by all, a possible 5% of the member base who could ever possibly look at one random post) flamed this guy for...something....so he feels it's sufficent enough to make all other suffer and claims that "you all" in his pre-edit post for everyone is the other 95%. (Yeah, I know that doesn't make sense somewhat but you get the idea.)

Sounds likes a depserate cry for attention to me. Let's all play the world's smallest violin for him.
Okay I know this might seem to certain persons stupid and long but we all can edit our posts to their original form, what we need to do is just click on the history edit (or something like that) that is situated on the bottom of our avatar. And click on the 0 (which is the first message non edited) copy and paste the message and the work is over. I know this will take eternity for some guys that have many posts... anyways if you want to do just do an advanced search with your name in it...



Well this has been an experience. Meanwhile, over in my forums I've been getting a bunch of spamvertisers. Probably no connection to what happened here though, since my vandals post on the Empire Deluxe section instead of RMXP.
*Backs up my whole post in a file on my computer where no one can get it!*


Lets tell that twat that this community is a strong one!



Just one thing that I have noticed: unless I didn't understand properly, you are saying that only topics which had been edited previous to the hacking can be edited again to show the original content.

Well, I only had one post on the forums and I'm pretty sure I hadn't edited it :) And I've been able to restore it. You can find it at http://www.rmxp.org/forums/showthread.php?t=1640&page=2

If I misunderstood, sorry :D



We don't know, and Sarg: if you had your own backup you can still restore with that. If the post has an Edit History, shown under the avatar on the left, that can be accessed and will be intact.
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