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Starlit Wings:on paper, it's mostly done...

Find Lako and Miruko two new names...(Or post in topic your own idea)

  • Mars and Venus

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Loren and Laria

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Ewan and Amelie

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Conrad and Cassandra

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Let the player decide ALL the names

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
Are you sure you were just inspired by "Fire Emblem"? Because they really look like resized recoulours to me and I played quite a lot fire Emblem games several times...
And I really think you were a bit rude to FenriX'. Just because someone doesn't like your story and facesets you don't have to start to insult them.
Honestly I don't like your story to much either. To be honest to me it sounds like the standard save the world plot you just used as a bad example.
You really have quite a lot of work to do from here on, but it can become a decent project.

Hope this helps
Ah thanks.That last sentence is just what shows if a post is either nice or a flamebait.Trust me, if you knew what he has done to me...but nevermind.
Hope to hear from you in the screen topic as well!
i like the choise to make the charas decide the name ^.^ cause you haven't chose name connected whit something... so is better if the player can decide for the name in game :)

anyway if my opinion looks a little rude... well... i'm sorry... it's not my intent... i simply want to be clear... the better critics are the one made whit clear sentence... that's all...
and... pls... i'm back in this forum since a long time... i don't want problem, so... don't talk me like that : |
I don't like so much the editing of the RTP characters. The poses aren't so good. You should edit a little. There isn't the path under the wolves o.o
And the general mapping of that map isn't realistic. RTP characters contrast with grass and wolves. And too, why did she says "There they come"? I usually say "Here they come".

Anche io italiano :D
Non mi piace troppo la fine dell'erba e l'inizio del panorama nella seconda mappa. I face sono un po'... come dire... pixellosi. Soprattutto nel contorno. Ne avete già parlato, ma dico anche la mia. Dovresti ingrandire un po e ridurre la pixellosità, editare, non sono abbastanza simili ai chara. Continua a lavorarci su.
And I thought you were a friend...you sided with Fenrix instead, damn.

If you just want me to get out of any making forum, fine, I will, screw Making and all the stuff, if I really have to be harassed everytime I try to propose my project to a forum!

If you really don't mean to hurt me, then...please, just stay on rpg2s.
And I thought you were a friend...you sided with Fenrix instead, damn.

If you just want me to get out of any making forum, fine, I will, screw Making and all the stuff, if I really have to be harassed everytime I try to propose my project to a forum!

If you really don't mean to hurt me, then...please, just stay on rpg2s.
Excuse me, I'm just saying that you should edit a little. I'm not saying that I'm an ally of FenriX' and you're my enemy (like a RPG). If you think that my criticals are FLAME, I think you aren't a normal man. You should have care of my an FenriXs' comments because we're trying to help you and your project.
And, for your information, i was registred on this forum months ago. I've seen your project and I commented it.
Zoro... pls... you've spam into your last message, edit pls XD it's not fun to spam around other forums name... put away that name ok? :)
anyway... chear you up ok? all of us had started whit low skill... look at me XD i've just post my project here and everyone claps me XD (blush, i'm shy =D)
but the first project i've made in my life... was a rude copy of FF7 + FF9... terrible... XD but now, thanks to the critics of the other user, i can say to myself and to other that i'm a real rpgmaker user :)

if we say you that you're project is wrong... you don't have to angry like that... but take your project in hands and edit it :\ you're 17 years old... these reaction don't fit a boy near the adult age don't you think? :\
we are here to help you, if someone open a topic in a forum whit his project, isn't only for hear the other users say "great, your project sounds good"/"i love it" it's 'cause we want the others to make building critics like "correct that picture"/"the story isn't clear and is repetitive" 'cause like that we can improve ourself and our project :|

that's all zoro, i hope you've understand now, cause it's the 3rd time i try to explain you this XD and i'm pretty bored ^.^
anyway, ganbatte!! chear up and good luck, i hope i'll be able to play your project one day.

P.S. for the 1000 times... edit those facesets ok? XD

italian version also this time only for you zoro =D

Zoro... pls... nel tuo ultimo messaggio hai spammato, modificalo pls XD non è divertente andare in giro a spammare i nomi degli altri forum... elimina quel nome ok? :)
ad ogni modo... su col morale ok? tutti noi abbiamo cominciato senza saper far niente, con poche capacità... guarda me: ho appena postato il mio progetto qui e tutti mi stanno facendo i complimenti (blush, son timidone =D)
ma il primo progetto che avevo fatto in vita mia... era una rozza copia di FF7 + FF9... terribile... XD ma ora, grazie alle critiche degli altri utenti, posso dire a me stesso e agli altri di essere un vero makeratore

se ti diciamo che il tuo progetto è sbagliato... non devi incazzarti a quel modo... ma prendere il progetto in mano e modificarlo :\ hai 17 anni ormai... queste reazione infantili non si addicono ad un ragazzo vicino alla maggiore no credi? :\
siamo qui per aiutarti, se qualcuno apre un topic in un forum col suo progetto, non è solo per sentirsi dire dagli altri "grande, il tuo progetto sembra fico"/"lo adoro" è perchè vogliamo che gli altri utenti ci facciano delle critiche costruttive come "modifica quella picture"/"la storia è piatta e ripetitiva" perchè in questo modo possiamo migliorare noi stessi e il nostro progetto : |

questo è tutto zoro, spero tu abbia capito ora, perchè è la 3° volta che cerco di spiegartelo XD e mi sono un po rotto i maroni ^.^
ad ogni modo, forza e coraggio!! su col morale e buona fortuna, spero di essere in grado di provare il tuo progetto un giorno.

P.S. per la millesima volta... modifica quei faceset ok? XD
Hey, I made you some box art.

You should be careful of your game title. Who knows what some large corporation might do to you.
It sounds like you’d rather quit than learn from past mistakes or experience…

And I’ll be honest about the Fire Emblem face graphics. I’ve never played a Fire Emblem game so I don’t know much about them but, after going and looking at some I think I’m inclined to agree you just re-colored for the most part… I know that you probably made the wings because they look awful… Not trying to sound like a dick, but if the wings are any example of how well you can sprite, I really, really doubt you made those characters.

Here’s the deal. Most of the people that are giving you bad criticism are because they know better. Some of us have been using RPG maker since RM95 so we call out things like bad mapping etc. The main problem with your mapping is that it looks VERY rushed. You need to take time on your maps to make them appealing. Look at it and ask yourself if the maps look respectable enough to be in a completed project. If you have bad judgment, look at people with good mapping skills (plenty in the ss forums) and see what they are doing that you aren’t.

And I wouldn’t worry about what half of those people said anyways, they could hardly write legible English so chances are they don’t even mean to sound harsh. But I’ll also say 95% of the people on this forum will say it like it is, they won’t sugar coat shit and say your have a good looking game even if you don’t. This isn’t a place to post a project if you can’t handle advice or even negative criticism. And I would rather have it that way than not; how else are you supposed to get better? Now if each project you make shows little to no improvement then maybe you really should give up.

This is probably the friendliest posts I’ve ever written on these forums so I hope you take something out of it.
well... Magicant is completely right... (i know about my bad english magi XD thanks for the repetition XD)

Anyway... Cit: "You need more practice!! Never give it up!! -Practice makes perfect-" a funny Cit. from DJMax Portable 2 XD but... it's just what you need, and what magicant say (this... whit a lot of other usefull stuff ^.^) all of us can become perfect in making, in pixelart, in mapping in scripting... all of us have the skills inside to become someone :D it's our job to improve that skills and use properly them U.U
But, for now... your project is terrible... let me told you that... 'cause it's really embarassing to see some of your works :\

P.S. it's not good to told around you've made something that, for real, have made someone else... it's a really bad way to act : | the one that have made the stuff need credits, cause they'd work hard for that stuff... and you can't just mog them and told us it's a work of yours : | i can't accept something like this (If someone stole my work and use it like his own, i think i could kill him 1000 times)

Italian version:
eeh beh... magicant ha completamente ragione (lo so che il mio inglese fa cagare XD grazie per averlo ribadito =.='')
Ad ogni modo... Citazione: "Hai bisogno di più pratica!! Non arrendersi mai!! -La pratica rende perfetti-" (questa è la traduzione dall'originale cmq in inglese) Una citazione simpatica da DJ Max Portable 2 XD ma centra in pieno il problema, e ciò di cui hai bisogno... è anche il sunto del post di Magicant (questo assieme ad un sacco di altri concetti) Le altre cose sono: se fai sempre così il permaloso puoi anche ire... ciao ciao e chi s'è visto s'è visto : | è stato abbastanza freddo e credo abbia fatto bene. tutti noi abbiamo le capacità per diventare perfetti nel making, nella pixelart, nel .
mapping, nello scripting, ognuno di noi ha le skill necessarie in se, sta a noi lavorare duro per portarle in superficie e sfruttarle al meglio.
Per ora però... il tuo progetto è terrificante =.=''... lasciatelo dire ciccì, è veramente imbarazzante vedere quel che hai fatto finora

non è bello andare in giro a dire che hai creato qualcosa che, in realtà, ha fatto qualcun'altro... è veramente un comportamento riprovevole : | quel qualcuno che ha fatto quei lavori (chara tile face o altro che sia) necessita i Credits, perchè ha lavorato sodo per quelle risorse... e tu non puoi semplicemente rubare il lavoro altrui e dire che è roba di tua manica : | non posso accettare un atteggiamento simile (se qualcuno mi sottraesse i miei lavori spacciandoli per suoi, lo squarterei 1000 volte)
Okey, I have been reading all post in this forum from the start to the bottom, So where to start..
People have right when they talk about those fire emblem facesets...
They look exactly like fire emblem just maybe with diffrent hair colour or something in that way...
Don't go around saying you have made something when it is not yours..
Just like Magi and Fenix have said.

But don't give up! all projects have a chance to become something...
Don't be shy to actually ask people for help^^
If you need a pixel artist or a artist of any kind just ask people for help ^^
You really need to start listen to people when they trying to give you advice, they are not trying to make you stop, they are just trying to make you improve!

Take care of yourself ^^
And good luck with your project ^^

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