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Star Trek 2009


There's bound to be a lot of discussion on this movie coming up soon so I thought I'd start a topic on it. Having just gone to see the movie in the IMAX in London I've got to say this was incredible! I will post a proper fully detailed review tomorrow morning but suffice to say, this movie is great for non-trekkies, Trekkies, old people, young people, everyone!

Like imagine Transformer's level of action combined with the storytelling of any of the previous Star Trek movies, even Khan. Like I said, I'll post my full review soon but in the meantime anyone else who's seen the film too on it's opening night, please post your opinions here too.

Also please don't give out any spoilers to people or I'm going to have to come over and possibly violate your sphincter for being such a jackass. Or at least, put them in [ spoiler ] brackets
They showed it to some startrek fans (like hardcore fans, they went to see Wrath of Khan at midnight for jesusfucksake and Nemoy walked out and it turned out to be a secret randokm premier of the new film) and they were all crying because it was so good.

I mean they've had since 2002 to knock up some better shit than Nemesis. I have good hopes for this one. (Seeing it in Friday)
I've heard it's really good (it has a 95% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes right now) which comes as a bit of a surprise to me. I won't see it because I'm not a big fan of science fiction in general and especially not Star Trek, but I'm still happy it's better than the other films.



Just saw it. It saw so awesome, and there were so many parts that were hilarious. Hell, some guy yelled out, "Kick his ass!" when young Spock was beating on the bullies, causing every one to crack up, and every one was cracking up again at Chekhov's accent.
really? i was so unimpressed by the trailers
i'm a trekfag (though im a next gen fag moreso) so i was very leery about this, i had very much the same premonitions as arbiter
but you've piqued my interest :O



r3t0rt":cq7a5wgx said:
I've seen trailers and it looks fucking terrible.

I found what you said funny. Simply because how many trailers have we seen where a movie looks cool and it turns out to be total bull shit. Just goes to show 2 hours speaks louder than 30 seconds.



This might be the best movie of 2009. Better than that horrid x-men shit.

When I saw the trailers I thought "SHIT" instantly. But, a friend convinced me to see it; Im glad she did, now im going to go see it for a 3rd time.
I saw the movie, and i thought it was all right. I felt the movie could of done better on a bigger budget; but i don't think this is going to be anywhere near the movie of the year. Although i would like to see them make a sequel to this one or perhaps turn it into a tv show. And on a second note I thought that William Shatner should of starred in it as Leonard Nimoy did.



Shatner would have made it TOO hammed up imo. And yeah, a tv spin off sounds pretty cool haha. I doubt theyd ever do that, but if they did Id watch it.
Shatner would have killed it.

This film was so absobgfhkntrly amazing I just came back from seeing it the second time in two days, and I'm not even a hardcore Star Trek fan. It is so much like the original and it's... absolutely amazing. I mean, I've never been to see a movie twice at the cinema (other than er... Mamma Mia, which I saw four times, though not of my own choice...)

Anyway. Fucking amazing. Syler is brilliant as Spock, and Simon Pegg kept up the good work as Scotty.

Well worth watching if you haven't already.
So I just came back from seeing this. I was blown away.

I've never seen so much as a single episode of any of the Star Trek series and I loved it. The actors all did a really good job and I was impressed with the deep yet easy to understand story. The special effects were some of the best-no, the best-I've ever seen. Some of their attempts at humor were a little forced imo but overall this was aan amazing film. Hell, I don't even like sci-fi all that much and I still love this.

i hate watching movies like this though because it makes me realize how boring life really is D:

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