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Star Ocean 3 Invention System

Hi. I want a system that does the following:
When calling the script, a window should be opened.
Inside this window you must first chose three persons from your party, and assaign them to invent something. The catagories of invention shall be "Item, Weapon, Armor, Heltmet, Shield and Accesory.
When a catagory and three partymembers has been selected a bar should begin to charge; this bar is the amount of time it takes to invent the item, and the speed of this should be based on the three members average agility - if the speed is very high it should take about 30 seconds, if it is low it should take about 2 mins.
It is not sure that the invention will be succesful, this is based on the inventors other abilities:
If ITEM catagory was chosen, average dexterity will determine how succesful the invention is.

If WEAPON catagory was chosen, average strenght will determine how succesful the invention is.

If ARMOR catagory was chosen, average physical defense will determine how succesful the invention is.

If HELMET catagory was chosen, average physical defense will determine how succesful the invention is.

If SHIELD catagory was chosen, average physical defense will determine how succesful the invention is.

If ACCESORY catagory was chosen, average inteligence will determine how succesful the invention is.

The invention that can be created is chosed randomly from a list of inventions, but shall not be displayed in the window before the invention is completed. To try to invent something have a money cost. The cost of an invention is the same as the items cost (in the database) x 1,5.

For example:

Arshed, Glory and some other guy is trying to invent a weapon.
They're average strenght is 100. The weapon costs 1000 Gold in the database = 1500 Gold to try to invent. The difficulty of inventing this weapon is 110, 10 above their average strenght, it will be hard for these three persons to invent it, luckily, a random variable can lower or increase the difficulty giving them a slight change of succeeding.
Their average dexterity is 120, it will take them about 90 seconds to complete.
They succeed and a window pop's up saying "Congratulations, you have created a Mythril Sword!"

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