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Standing Sprite/Walking Animation

I'm thinking about using Ragnarok Sprites (gaaah pain but sexy) and anyone who has played know that they have a standing sprite, and a walking animation. Sadly, I can't figure out how to get this to work for RMXP. I can't have the standing sprite IN the walking animation becuase then he looks goofy! I know it's kinda weird to explain, but hopefully someone who knows how to do this understands what I'm saying ._.!

Thanks for any help provided,
Got one...

Check my sig for a link to "Eight Direction & More Frames System". It allows for 4 or 8 directional charsets (your choice) and allows you to set the number of walking frames for your charsets. Normally, that's 4... but I like 8 for really fluid (but painfully detailed) movement. There's even a switch you can turn on so an additional frame is used... the 'STANDING POSE' frame.

One caveat... Whatever settings you have for 1 charset must apply for ALL charsets... characters and events. You can't mix & match, but that would be fairly understandable.

I used a few templates to test it out, even one with a standing pose that you could find at Tana's website (check out her profile to get the link to her website). You may get inspired for some additional spriting and such. It sure helped me for a template I'm working on.
I fully appreciate it!

I've got 9 frames, for ultimate sexiness. But sadly, they're all ripped!

I've been waiting for this so I can move on with my game. And finally! :D

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