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Spriting Paraphernalia

Well, I'm trying to develop my skills as a sprite-er and was wanting input from you more experienced peoples.

http://img67.imageshack.us/img67/3323/m ... armul9.png[/imgzoom]

I wanted to try some sort of muscular character in armor, as an ally or a lackey for the main villan. The armor is coming out a little duller than what I would like personally but adding a shine with the liter colours (I am Canadian) is just hearsay.

Also, I like the top better, and the pants do not follow suit because I did them first.

Any advice?
ssssstraight ramps.

The big problem I see here is with your colors. You have dark grays and light grays and then white. Things would look a lot kore realistic if you used color, even in the grays. Use cooler, bluer and purpler, shades for the darker colors. This is a great general art tutorial that will explain it in better (and illustrated) detail.

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