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Spriting Factory, get your requests filled FAST

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Hello everyone. For a limited time, I will be taking ANY spriting request. That's right, whatever that sprite you've been wanting for your game is, now you can have it. It will be done within 3 days of the request time, and will be of very high quality (if you doubt this, check my spriting shrine). However, there is a catch. I am only taking a total of FIVE requests. AND it will be 5$ a sprite. Now that may sound like a lot, but think of how easy it is to make 5$. Would you rather hunt around for weeks trying to find someone to fill your request, or spend months honing your skills? Time is more valuable than money, so why waste it? 5$ is very reasonable.

slot one: game_guy
slot two: game_guy
slot three: OPEN
slot four: OPEN
slot five: OPEN

Don't wait, this is the only time I'll be doing this. And you will be assured to receive the sprite on time, since i'm actually being paid for this (by you).
No offense but this is a rip off. I looked at your stuff, and it is bad, your characters are pillow shaded in areas, your swords lack depth, and your attack sprites, have been rotated in Photoshop. And for 5$, I used to work for a entire project and do all their tilesets(Project got scraped), and I did it for free, and green raven had a request shop for free. I suggest you lower your price, or nobody is going to take this offer up.


Awesome Bro

Or better yet, do this for free, since your sprites arent' exactly pay-worthy yet, maybe you should do them for free until you've learned the ins and outs of proper shading and spriting, by that I mean not using pillowshading or photoshop to rotate, shortcuts are usually bad.
006":29rd37oc said:
And for 5$, I used to work for a entire project and do all their tilesets(Project got scraped), and I did it for free, and green raven had a request shop for free. I suggest you lower your price, or nobody is going to take this offer up.

I would have done that when I was twelve, but I have a life now. I won't work my but off for months just for 5$ The amount of time that goes into a sprite is worth more than 5$. But I'm between jobs, and trying to pay a few bills.

Besides, my work is not pillow shaded. I use a defined light source from the upper left, and I don't shade via gradient. I use the PS rotate tool because it emulates a subtle motion blur. At the speed the sword swings in ABS systems, it adds a good touch, in my view anyways.

I am not forcing anyone to pay for my sprites, if you don't like my work, don't ask for any of it. I am improving with every sprite, and again, it is NOT pillow shaded.

Anyways, first two slots have been filled, if you want me to make a sprite for you, you'd better hurry.
legacyblade":3emgc81k said:
006":3emgc81k said:
I use the PS rotate tool because it emulates a subtle motion blur.
No, you do it cause your lazy, face it.
Listen, I don't want to start a fight. You sound like your about 18, you should have eyes for something that looks good. If you really need the cash, and are really serious about this. Then stick to it close down this request station, and when you do start to make some good quality sprites, open it up. Right now, your going to get no one. If you don't listen to what I'm saying, at least lower the price, I know some guys who will do twice as much and twice as better for twice as less.
Hate to jump on the bandwagon... but your sprites are of a middle-class quality at best, looking at the high-quality work provided happily for free your sprites pale in comparison. I appreciate that your consistently improving; however with so much talent around these parts its difficult to justify paying for these things. By all means you have a right to charge for the work you do, but if you looked at and compared quality, supply and demand you'd realize why your post appears as a "rip-off". It wont help that (on the basis of your sales pitch and previous responses) you appear to have an ego the size of Russia.

Edit: Russia may have been an exaggeration, perhaps Iceland.
Actually despite the light source your shading is still pillow shaded, you must be doing something wrong as I was looking at them earlier tempted to edit all of them <_<;
I must say that I love how it took you a lot of time to make these. I'm not much of a sprite maker myself but I have to say that even I could do better for this and I would be more than happy to contribute to the community. I'd have to agree with the others. You're out for a quick buck and think that's low.

Maybe if you took a little more time on your sprites and learned some new techniques, you might be able to make money off of this. But then again, I'm sure some poor sap actually went for this. Pity.



How can you expect to get money for this? I could make sprites like that in 10 minutes or less, it takes no skill at all. Plus they have no depth or contrast, and only use cheap tools. They won't fit anyone's style either, especially since most people use pixel art or index art and this is just a bunch of blurry, contrastless wips.
I would pay Green Raven for a sprite, because everybody can believe in he as a spriter, but you... You can't do a frame without doing a rotation... And you think you are a amazing boy... If you want money, start to work as a normal man... Or learn the spriting arts, I'm not a good spriter but I think I can do better, like everyone here... You should train more
I think he gets the point folks, so let's just let this thread die already :smile:

You can put upload some stuff and we can try to help you improve your work some more.
Two sprites : Scout and Executer - Should be as tall as an average XP sized charset - but in VX frame format (3x4)

Please refer to following facegraphics while choosing hair color:


It's not hard to see this thread is going absolutely nowhere. So...lockerooney.

legacyblade, until you improve your skills no one will pay for your sprites. You have to put a lot of work into improving your skills if you want to get paid for it. Hours and hours of time. Heck, some people here have probably been spriting for years and wouldn't consider being paid for their work.

If you need extra cash perhaps you should find a better way of getting it, because this isn't the way to do it.

heeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy i wanna mod my forum >:| -- ilureally ~booners

sorry but nothing had been done about it for five days and something needed to happen ;-; ~yours truly
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