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Spiderman 3 Charactersets!!!

So far I have completed Venom and I'm finishing up spiderman and his black suit...:thumb:

If you use any of these that I created please give credit to me!
I may re-edit some of my characters later for better effects...


http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... derman.png[/IMG]

Blacksuit Spiderman:
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... derman.png[/IMG]

New Goblin:
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... inDemo.png[/IMG] W/ Glider

http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... koDemo.png[/IMG] Flint Marko
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... nDemo1.png[/IMG] Sandman
http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... nDemo3.png[/IMG] Complete Sand Sandman

http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l287/ ... /Venom.png[/IMG]
Venom does have some detail to him... you just can't see it here... i will update him later for a better image with greater details...

Peter Parker:
Eddie Brock:
Mary Jane:
Dr. Conners:[maybe the lizard]
additionals -
other goblins, and baddies... woot!
and etc...
Hmm. I know you said these were finished, but they do need shading. Saturate the colors a bit, it should be fine. Make sure you don't pillow shade them, either.

They look good.
well they are shaded... but the upload i guess mixed them together... the symbol on venom was like 5 shades of white to grey... and he really isn't full black... same with spiderman... the lines on him are made up of 4 shades of grey... but i will work on them some more... trust me... i plan to use them as a guest appearance in my game... :D
I will have more posted... and i think the green background clashes with the eyes... in the game when i tested it they came out fine... i'll need to upload a zip file or rar file for the all when finished... and about carnage.. he wasn't in 3 but meh... why not he was a blood thirsty psychopath that almost achieved his goal... so far i started work on new goblin, sandman, flint marko, solid sandman, and not sure if i have started on anymore... well in the mean time im gonna go work and do stuff!!!
I added some to the top... the complete set of spiderman red and black suit... got the examples of the new goblin and the sandman...

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