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Specialty ABS



I am in need of an unconventional ABS. What I mean is, I need an ABS suited for the "survival horror" game I am creating. The enemies are rarely encountered (or possibly never) more than two at a time and the game takes place in narrow hallways. This means I need it to be so when enemies touch you, there is a 50-75% chance of them doing damage to you rather than what seems like a 20% chance on the ABS systems I have seen. The ABS doesn't need long range weapons (like a pistol, ALTHOUGH that doesn't mean I don't want one) .. I need melee weapons.

Perhaps an ABS system already out there could be edited to fit my needs. The ABS system I am using is the ABS system found in the SDK Test Bed RGSS demo. The problem is that even when next to an enemy and press the attack button, often times nothing happens and the same when an enemy should be attacking you. I just need an ABS that works for my game, and as it works properly, it should be fine.

You WILL DEFINETELY recieve credit in the credits of my game and if I could afford to pay you I absolutely would.

If you're feeling inspired:

Set it up so I can include character animations (using the character gfx)


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