Use Soul Swirl to fuse up to 3 different souls to create a more powerful soul.
Use souls for things such as Stamina and Focus Restoration, as well as
to learn and even upgrade your current skills.
Become Nicola, The Soul Hunter!
He ripped off her covers and tried to find where it was hurting, but Nicola kept yelling "Get it off me! Get it away!!" Seeing nothing, Braice remembered an old trinket he received from the indian Chief ThunderStalker after rescuing his son from the canyons of Scar Valley. Braice was told that this pendant was very rare and incredibly powerful towards
spiritual beings. Placing it around her neck, Nicola instantly stopped screaming, and began sobbing on her uncles lap. "Thank You"
Nicola, now 16, has kept her trinket on her at all times, not once taking it off.
One night however, Nicola feels the presence of a soul and wakes up in a pool of sweat. When she goes to see her grandfather to ask why the charm didn't stop it, he is gone.
with nothing but her 6th sense to rely on, Nicola searches for her grandfather, looking for anything she can find to help her.
Her whole life Nicola has sensed the supernatural, she has had many strong encounters with the other side.
Some encounters were quite dangerous. However upon recieving her unusual trinket from her grandfather Braice, her encounters have been
less frequent and not at all violent.
*Soul system: Capture souls and use their power.
*Soul Mixing: Mix 2-3 souls together to create a more powerful soul
*Soul Transformation: Transform yourself into a greater more powerful entity
*Blizz-ABS: A great ABS System, a diamond in the rough.
*Challenging Scenarios: The way you mix souls or the way you distribute your stats, all change how your play will turn out. And it will always be different.
More to come