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Some Chars

Yipee, I sprited! You can use these, but you have to credit me, and in some cases, get direct permission from me. All these should be credited to Luna, or AngelicKain.

Kalare:http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y135/kittyperson/Kalare.png[/IMG] Needs direct permission!


Needs direct permission!

I'd actually prefer you don't use this one. I mean, if you absolutely MUST, then fine. Direct permission PLZ.

http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y135/k ... dYoung.png[/IMG]
This one's Edward Elric from FMA as a kid. Giarc Maj, or whatever your name is, or anybody making an FMA game can use it.:yes:



I think that Kalare and Rapael look faarrrr too similar. Change a shirt color on one of them, or maybe hair color would be abetter idea.
I agree about the purple on Collette. Tone it down a smidge.
Then the hair on the little kid. When he's facing down it appears to be at the back of his head, then when he's facing the side and up it appears to be at the front of his head.
I would say you need to have it barely sticking out from his head- if at all- when he is facing down.

Hope that helps
i think the reason that Kalare and Rapeal look similar is because theyre twins or related somehow that they would look that similar if not then they should be changed a bit to be able to easily tell them apart
Kalare and Raphael are indeed twins. You can remember, Rahael's the one with pretty-boy hair. I'll change something. The hair on Collette is to bright. I'll fix that.

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