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Some Battle Stuff Needed

Ok, this might be a little tricky, but basically in order perfect my battle system the way I want it, I'll need a few special systems in place. As a base, I'm using Tankentai SBS, as it fits most of my core needs.

Now what I need added to this great system are the following:

1. I want some sort of psuedo-ATB enhancement added. Basically, the system has to be modified to give people turns based on their speed, but not with constantly filling bars. Basically, when it's no one's turn, they all fill in a race like any ATB system, but when someone's turn comes up (player or enemy), all bars pause until the turn is concluded, then go back to filling again. If you've ever played Xenogears, I'm looking for something that pretty much works like that exactly as far as turns go.

2. The ability to change paty members mid-battle. If you've ever played Xenosaga 2/3 or Wild Arms 2 (and I think Alter Code F and 5 have this as well), you should have an idea. There should be a menu command that allows you to sub members. Ideally, I'd want it as an additional command for each character and selecting this command turning a character's turn brings up a list of all the characters in reserve that you have available to you at that time (see script list below to see how that's normally determined). When you swap in the new character, they can't act until they'd get their first natural turn.

3. I need a type of counter added to the system... a stock counter of sorts, I guess you would say. It starts at 0 at the beginning of the battle and maxes at 3. There will need to be a way for me to add in special desperation moves that require useage of a specified amount of the stock, and can only be used if the character has the stock required available. In addition to this, Stock would be acquired by using a "Charge" command that would have to be added to their list of possible battle actions.

Those are the most important things anyway... I also need to figure out a way to give EXP gained from battles to members in your party, but not in the battle party (preferally 75% of what they would get had they been actively battling). That's a lower priority thing, though... and mainly takes me understanding more about how my Party Changing system works.

Now speaking of that Party Changing System, I'm using "Easy Party Switcher" and it basically has the ability to limit which characters are available to be added to your party at any time you call the script to change battle party members. I'm going to try to use the term "battle party" for when I mean those fighting and "reserve party" for those on the side but are still available... they're kinad there, but not there at the same time, as far as the engine is concerned. My battle party will most likely be limited to 4 (but I might cut it to 3). Any script for changing mid-battle would be best utilizing the way this pre-existing script does stuff so it can detect what your party properly is and not mix up the game or anything.

So as a re-cap of scripts I'm using...
Related Scripts:
Easy Party Switcher 1.2b by Blizzard
Sideview Battle System 1.9xp by Enu, converted to XP by Atoa
Other Scripts:
Dash Mode by Near Fantastica
Aleworks Options Menu 2.5

if anyone needs more detail, stuff explained, or just has question, do let me know. I really hope that I can get this battle system working the way I want it to, as it will be a big step in actually getting a game done for once. This battle system is pretty much the biggest hurdle I have, as making the maps and events and all of that other stuff to build up the game is easy stuff.



Sideview Battle System 1.9xp by Enu, converted to XP by Atoa
You should take a look at the script submission, the SBS was updated

1 - You should check better the ATB options. You can set pauses when another battler is acting os selecting action.

2 and 3 - about these two, good luck. I'm too busy to maker exclusive system for other people.
Atoa":415uo0lg said:
You should take a look at the script submission, the SBS was updated

1 - You should check better the ATB options. You can set pauses when another battler is acting os selecting action.

2 and 3 - about these two, good luck. I'm too busy to maker exclusive system for other people.

funny you should suggest that... I noticed it was updated right before I made the post... but I need to look into it first... see what improvements are made and how easily I can upgrade without messing with the modifications I already made.

as for ATB options, I could never find anything that worked. the only script that by its claim did it the way I want it to apparently is not compatible with the SBS. maybe I'm just not good at finding these things... but I did a search on ATBs and just didn't turn up much... any recommendations?

and yeah, I know you're doing a lot around here. I didn't expect you to make the modifications, but I'm hoping that somebody can. I don't need them both done by the same person or anything... if one person can figure out how to do one part and another can figure out another, that should work out just fine so long as there are no script conflicts.

thanks for the reply, though, Atoa.



All the options with the ATB Add-On works fine. Other ATB scripts probably wont work.
But by the explanation you posted, all you want is an full wait ATB (so the bar only moves when no battler is acting), and the option to set this is one of the first.
hmm... ok, I will look into this. I don't believe I knew about a ATB Add-On already for the SBS, so I will hafta grab that now. thanks.

hopefully I can get some help with the other aspects, though. the Charge/stock thing is something special that will really help make the system more unique from basic, traditional RPG systems and when you put that together with the ability to change party members mid-battle, you get it feeling even more interesting, so they're vital to the success of this battle system.
come on... the desperation move system can't be THAT hard... think of it was one of those overlimit type thingies but instead of attacking and/or getting hit building the gauge, you build it manually by a battle menu command choice. and it's not a gauage that gradually fills, but rather just three stocks (which could still be represented by a gauge like in a fighting game, or numerically... I don't really care about that part).

more examples:

Xenosaga 2: it has some type of command (I can't remember what it's called... it might be Charge there as well) that you can select that well give you a stock (one of those red rectangular boxes) to use to add on your circle-button attacks

Wild Arms series: think of the FP system without attacks building it. mainly that there are 4 force levels (my system would have 3) and typically, different force abilities require you to be at difference force levels and will consume that block of force when used.

and of course, you could always think of a fighting game like King of Fighters, Street Fighter (newer ones, anyway), Marvel vs. Capcom, etc... with the way you have different levels of your meter that you can store up and consume to use.

anyone get the idea?

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