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[Solved!] Event Movement Issue in my Simple ABS [RMXP]

I am putting together a very simple event based ABS (Zelda style), and have come across something that is stumping me. Currently, I am relying on one event walking over my player to cause damage to my player. I am doing this by enabling the "Through" option on the event. All my variables detecting the various locations of the event and the player are functioning correctly, however, my issue is with the "Through" movement of the event. Since the "Through" option is enabled, the event negates terrain movement restrictions. Is there a way for the event to move over the player, while not moving over impassible terrain?

Or perhaps I am going about this the wrong way. Any help and suggestions are greatly appreciated. I am trying to keep this simple.
My advice? Don't have the event move over the player with Through. Instead, modify the variable that is checked by the direction the event is facing-- or just make the damaging effect of the event a property of the event, and set it to Event Touch.
Wow... why is it that the simplest answers always get overlooked? Thanks a lot. I'll change this to [Solved] after I implement these changes, and make sure I don't screw it up somehow.

Thanks again!
(Sorry for posting in here I understand it was solved)

I have a question. What would be the benfit of the Viriable being the Direction of a player or event? Can't a conditional Branch already read that? Also I have a problem with the Touch Command. It works, but if i want to walk up to the NCP, but not always be running into it, and attack it by pressing the 'A' key (or what ever the button, one has it set for a weapon), how could the game possible read it without a odd combination of conditional branchs? I might seem like a noob, so for that I am sorry. I haven't worked awhole lot with Eventing ABS's. But I understand a great deal. Save for this. Thank you.
Yes, the variable is unnecessary. Type in haste, regret at leisure.

However, what you want is very different from the question that was asked-- their question was how to have an event do damage to the player by touching them.

You do need a certain number of conditional branches to do the player's attacks, however, and they will be a bit complex.

Basically, you'll have a common event that first checks if the Attack button is being pressed. Then, you'll assign Attack Variables to the player's map X and Y. After that, use conditional branches to modify either the X or the Y depending on the facing of the player. That's also where you'll use something like Show Animation to provide the SFX for the attack itself.

Now, you'll need even more conditional branches, because you're going to be comparing the modified X and Y variables of the attack to the X and Y coordinates of every possible target on the map. If both are the same for a given target, play fancy animations, make the target flash, kill it, do damage, whatever.

You may want to also consider adding more conditional branches to detect if the target is alive or not. It's not necessary to do so, but bear in mind that the event, unless erased with Erase Event, will still be at those coordinates, and so will still trigger fancy animations and whatever if you swing at it, which would look pretty odd if the enemy has disappeared.

Yes, this will mean a lot of conditional branches.

Yes, this will produce a lot of lag. I strongly recommend an upper limit of two or three enemies per map.

Was that helpful? I can produce some examples of the code if you need it.
Nah, you did a good job. I thank you for considering my question, even if it had nothing to do with the Topic question. I figured as much and your recommendation is very good! I'd say that an ABS might be best if done with a Script. It's just I have not understanding the Script. I can use one. It's just I'd like to have better control over where buttons are placed how things are set up and such. But I'd hate to have look for someone to change things exactly to how I want them...it would be a cluster. So I guess I'll have to just keep learning Ruby and such and Eventing before I step up and really start to put a game together, either with friends or myself. Thank you for your answer, sorry for going and on, I hope you have a great day!

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