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So who likes pen-and-paper RPGs?

Well, after extensive testing, I am ready to give my report.

Part 1: The basics
In its most basic form, it is essentially a chat room with some extra features. These features are varied and require a little getting use to. However, it is seemingly easy to get your head around.

People have three states: Lurker, player or GM. All self explanatory.

Each room has a room password and an admin password. The room password is self explanatory. The admin password is where the room creator sets a password to assign roles to each player, lurker, player or GM.

There are a variety of servers available, half of them are not used. So a room can be created on them without too much trouble.

Part 2: Games

It is reasonably easy and rather hard to create a game, maps are needed, miniatures and the like. But once found can be very useful.

Part 3: Conclusion.

I believe that this would be highly useful and when done properly, can create some good games. Highly recommended.
I've played
P&P (Powers & Perils): Many hours & wasted weekends. Always had a box of Cheeze-its to represent the campfire.
Call of Cthulhu: Probably my favorite. Having Sanity as a characteristic made some very interesting games.
Shadowrun: Cool, a little cheesy. You have to be in the right frame of mind.
Gurps: Good & bad. A lot of freedom & versatility, but you can get carried away.
Vampire - The Masquerade: A little confining as a system. Seemed harder to get creative when pidgeon-holed as a character.
Fringeworthy: POS. Tracked damage down to the specific body part, very complex battle formulas, too much time doing paperwork instead of just playing. I suppose this might have made a good computer game, since you could put all the math in the system & just let the player play.

Also played a bunch of table-top board games. (Mystic Wood, D-Day, Airforce, etc..) Most recently, Arkham Horror. (great game!).
I also have some friends that are making a game called "Mythago", a tile-based board game.
I've play-tested it 3-4 times. I think we have one more play-test before it's released.

All in all, the players & GM are WAY more critical to a successful, enjoyable game than the game system itself. Although we only played "Fringeworthy" once, we had a good time. Half of it mocking the terrible game-system. "I got shot in the nut." "The left or right? The left nut has 2 HP, the right nut only has 1 HP." "GM: you can't ride your horse for 3 days, and anyone can roll a 1 or better to steal your girlfriend."



has anyone played unknown armies? that was always my favorite setting besides hunter but it was hard to find people willing to give it a try 'cause it was "weird"
My friends and I have had a weekly games night for about three years now.

We tend to play resource management boardgames such as Settlers of Catan, Civilization, Caylus, Agricola, Puerto Rico, and the like. Pretty much any game featured on Boardgamegeek.com

We are also Warhammer players, Fantasy, 40k, Necromunda, and Mordheim are all played although usually separate from Games Night.

We have recently replaced Games Night with D&D Campaign night, and are playing a 4E Campaign custom written by our DM. We have a lot of newbie players so it is going slowly, and the DM is rather new at DMing as well so there is a lot of discussion over rules.

I have played 3.5E and my wife has played 2E and we are in general agreement that 4E is the way to go with new players. There is simply too much content in 3.5 and 2 is too old. If you limit players to the core books in 3.5, that can work for new players.

I run a Space Wolves 40K Army, and a Tomb Kings Fantasy Army. I play a Half-Elf Battlemind Psionic in D&D 4E and have written what others have deemed professional quality 4E Campaigns.
Space Wolves 40K Army

Awesome. Space Wolves were my first 40k army. I since turned them into Imperial Guard and Chaos Space Marines though over the years (the tanks went to my 'guard, and the marines became chaos troops for my sister's army which she then gave me anyway).

I love Ulrik the Slayer and use him as an Inquisitor with three wolves as a retinue of familiars, pointless but very cool.

My Imperial Guard are a joint AdMech IG army, with silly fluff to explain it. Maybe I'll make a 40k thread and explain it better ~

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