Corona!;182793 said:I am fully aware of the PSP's capabilities, but perhaps you underestimate the DS's capabilities, just because it isn't doesn't play mp3s and videos or store pictures standardly doesn't mean it's weak, it just means it's specialized for the one reason it was made: to play games, not multimedia. (and technically, if you use a flash pak, it can play mp3s and store pictures, it's just uncommon to do that since that's not it's purpose) so it could, in theory, pull off a game such as Tales of Eternia. And as for the two screens being awkward and tiny, if they're so small, why is it I have no problems playing Tales of Phantasia (Battles too) on it? The touch screen could probably serve as a menu you use while playing for added convenience. The DS has yet to be given a serious challenge, just stuff the GBA coulda yawned at, so this could be it's chance to shine.
Be realistic, do you think the DS could handle graphics like that? From what I've seen, the DS can hardly handle N64-esque graphics, and these certainly look past that. The PSP is a more powerful device, a tradeoff for being more expensive and less... touch screeny. Not to mention if they ported something like this to DS they'd probably feel the need to add some tacked on poorly done touch-screen thing... And if they didn't they'd probably be criticized for not taking advantage of the DS's systems.
To put the game onto the DS, they'd have to do a lot of this stuff over again, so they probably concluded that they'd do it on one handheld, and since the DS's touchscreen is pointess for the Tales games, they just chose the one that had more power and probably more room for storage.
Also nintendo and sony both dissapoint me with their consoles lately anyways. I'm still happy with their handhelds, since the PSP is a homebrew monster and seems to be picking up steam with games instead of losing it, and the DS has always had a pretty good amount of interesting games that are pretty cool.