Hey, this is something I just found out which I've never actually seen explained anywhere or a tutorial on.
Actually my prof explained it, but I just found this too: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.s ... andler.php
But it's really useful.
How to make custom PHP error pages
It's not very useful to your users if on you mistyping PHP and uploading it they get:
Or, as with some initial setups, just a white page.
So what can we do?
We create a function which will be called whenever an error is thrown, and then cancel out the initial error by returning "true" from the function.
How do I do it then!?
First we create out function which will replace the default one.
Now let's look at the parameters we're getting passed in.
$errno - a "code" for this error, tells us the basic type of error
$errstr - a string which tells us some information about the error
$errorfile - the file the error occurred in
$errline - the line of this file on which the error occurs
We can add some more important info here by using magic constants. If you aren't familiar with these we have for exaple:
__FILE__ - the file which is being processed. This is NOT the same as $errorfile, which could be an included file which is being used as part of this __FILE__.
__CLASS__ - class we're in
__DIR__ - directory of a file
So let's have a go at making an error function.
Sample Function
Now we define this function as our new error handling method.
Actually my prof explained it, but I just found this too: http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.s ... andler.php
But it's really useful.
How to make custom PHP error pages
It's not very useful to your users if on you mistyping PHP and uploading it they get:
Or, as with some initial setups, just a white page.
So what can we do?
We create a function which will be called whenever an error is thrown, and then cancel out the initial error by returning "true" from the function.
How do I do it then!?
First we create out function which will replace the default one.
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
// code goes here
return true; // stops the default error function being used after
Now let's look at the parameters we're getting passed in.
$errno - a "code" for this error, tells us the basic type of error
$errstr - a string which tells us some information about the error
$errorfile - the file the error occurred in
$errline - the line of this file on which the error occurs
We can add some more important info here by using magic constants. If you aren't familiar with these we have for exaple:
__FILE__ - the file which is being processed. This is NOT the same as $errorfile, which could be an included file which is being used as part of this __FILE__.
__CLASS__ - class we're in
__DIR__ - directory of a file
So let's have a go at making an error function.
Sample Function
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
// code goes here
echo "An error has occurred!<br />";
echo "Error [" . $errno . "]: " . $errstr;
echo "<br />Occurred in: " . $errfile . " on line " . $errline . "called from file " . __FILE__;
return true;
Now we define this function as our new error handling method.