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Ever wanted to take screenies or snapshots ingame? While there are other methods of doing that, this one is by far the easiest. With a simple button press or script call, it'll take a screenshot of the game for you and save it in a folder.
Also useful for beta testing. Your testers can snapshot bugs or errors in mapping or stuff like that.

  • Take picture with button press or script call
  • Customizable Button to press
Here's how well the pictures come out. No windows borders or anything.


You'll also need the screenshot.dll for this script to function correctly.


# Snapshot

# Author game_guy

# Version 1.0


# Intro:

# Ever wanted to take screenies or snapshots ingame? While there are other

# methods of doing that, this one is by far the easiest. With a simple button

# press or script call, it'll take a screenshot of the game for you and

# save it in a folder.

# Also useful for beta testing. Your testers can snapshot bugs or errors in 

# mapping or stuff like that.


# Features:

# Take picture with button press or script call

# Customizable Button to press


# Instructions:

# Place screenshot.dll in your projects folder.

# Get the dll here if you need it

# [url=http://decisive-games.com/ggp/scripts/screenshot.dll]http://decisive-games.com/ggp/scripts/screenshot.dll[/url]

# Make a folder in your projects folder called Snapshots


# Go down to the line where it says SnapShot_Key = Input::A

# You can change Input::A to any of the following

# Input::A - Usually the Shift Key

# Input::B - Usually the X or Escape key

# Input::C - Usually C, Enter, or Space

# Input::X - Usually the A Key

# Input::Y - Usually the S Key

# Input::Z - Usually the D Key

# Input::L - Usually the Q Key

# Input::R - Usually the W Key

# Input::SHIFT

# Input::CTRL

# Input::ALT

# Input::F5

# Input::F6

# Input::F7

# Input::F8

# Input::F9


# To take a snapshot with a script call use this

# GameGuy.snap thats it!


# Compatibility:

# Not tested with SDK. (Should work though)

# Will work with anything.


# Credits:

# game_guy ~ For making it

# Google ~ Searching up Win32Api tutorials

# Screenshot.dll ~ Whoever made this, made this script possible


module GameGuy

  SnapShot_Key = Input::A # Shift Key

  def self.snap

    snp = Win32API.new('screenshot.dll', 'Screenshot', %w(l l l l p l l), '')

    window = Win32API.new('user32', 'FindWindowA', %w(p p), 'l')

    ini = (Win32API.new 'kernel32', 'GetPrivateProfileStringA', %w(p p p p l p), 


    game_name = "\0" * 256

    ini.call('Game', 'Title', '', game_name, 255, '.\Game.ini')


    win = window.call('RGSS Player', game_name)

    dir = Dir.new("Snapshots/")

    count = 0

    dir.entries.each {|i| count += 1}

    file_name = "Snapshots/snap_#{count}.png"

    snp.call(0, 0, 640, 480, file_name, win, 2)



module Input

  class << self

    alias gg_update_input_snapshot_lat update


  def self.update

    if Input.trigger?(GameGuy::SnapShot_Key)






In the script. Its recommended to place this above main but below everything else. It shouldn't cause issues with anything.

Not tested with SDK. (Should work anyways)
Should work with everything.

  • game_guy ~ For making it
  • Google ~ Searching up Win32Api tutorials
  • Screenshot.dll ~ Whoever made this, made this script possible
Excellent script. I'm saving both the script and the dll to my flash drive so I can play around with this when I get home. *No connection at home for the time being, so library.

Also, I love your avatar and sigy. I <3 Gir.
Doom doom doom doom.
Wow! This is really great! Are you planning on future versions? I would like to suggest adding sound effects and maybe a screen "flash" like a picture has been taken! Or perhaps you could add a way to view the picture's you've have taken in-game as well... That way, the player could have a "camera" item, and a "photo album"!

This is very useful for testing purposes and taking screen shots of error reports!

GREAT JOB! I like.
I added a camera shutter sound effect and flash in my game and it's fun to use with a "camera" item!

I would also like to make another suggestion... It just crossed my mind that I think this script should create the "Snapshots" directory automatically...

Anyway thanks for this script, it's been fun.

Thank you for viewing

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