I don't want people to use these but if they do they do... Alright. Here we go. These are for a failed manga/ western based game... that me, double_clawshot, and Shadow started. Dunno if I should be working on these or not without their consent.
[Characters] ... ke2kx9.png[/IMG]
Isabella Roarek. aka Snap Dragon: A 18 year old girl in a justice based organization called the Kyoukai. Her personality can be weird at times. She's basically a mystery that hates injustice, but will easily do an injustice for justice. She's sortof an Antihero caught up in her job. ... ke2eo4.png[/IMG]
Alan Carter. aka Alan Carter: Age 12. He's in the Young Kyoukai program. He hangs around with snap dragon as a side kick/ minor set-back because of the program. Though Isabella is rather annoyed by Alan, she seems to put up with him... without killing him of course. ... ke2uo2.png[/IMG]
Pablo Rodriguez. aka El Pu?o: Age 21. He's a very strong and simple-minded type of person. He's not as stupid as you would think at a first glance but he's easily fooled by sarcasm. Basically he's gullible.
Snap Dragon - Dragon Form.: ??? ... ke2ov4.png[/IMG]
Alexis Harper aka. Frozen Steel Age 19. Known for her legs. She's a HUGE rival of Snap Dragon's. Her design was supposed to be Gangsta/Sexy but it didn't quite work out in sprite form... Like I said she is known for legs. Both Strong and Sexy. She's a bit of a flirt but can get serious in a mission or near Snap Dragon. ... r01qz2.png[/IMG][/IMG]
The Professors Age ??: The Professors that developed the superhuman serum one of them died in an accident
[Templates] ... aleqs4.png[/IMG] ... le2ma6.png[/IMG] ... le3at8.png[/IMG]
[Characters] ... ke2kx9.png[/IMG]
Isabella Roarek. aka Snap Dragon: A 18 year old girl in a justice based organization called the Kyoukai. Her personality can be weird at times. She's basically a mystery that hates injustice, but will easily do an injustice for justice. She's sortof an Antihero caught up in her job. ... ke2eo4.png[/IMG]
Alan Carter. aka Alan Carter: Age 12. He's in the Young Kyoukai program. He hangs around with snap dragon as a side kick/ minor set-back because of the program. Though Isabella is rather annoyed by Alan, she seems to put up with him... without killing him of course. ... ke2uo2.png[/IMG]
Pablo Rodriguez. aka El Pu?o: Age 21. He's a very strong and simple-minded type of person. He's not as stupid as you would think at a first glance but he's easily fooled by sarcasm. Basically he's gullible.
Snap Dragon - Dragon Form.: ??? ... ke2ov4.png[/IMG]
Alexis Harper aka. Frozen Steel Age 19. Known for her legs. She's a HUGE rival of Snap Dragon's. Her design was supposed to be Gangsta/Sexy but it didn't quite work out in sprite form... Like I said she is known for legs. Both Strong and Sexy. She's a bit of a flirt but can get serious in a mission or near Snap Dragon. ... r01qz2.png[/IMG][/IMG]
The Professors Age ??: The Professors that developed the superhuman serum one of them died in an accident
[Templates] ... aleqs4.png[/IMG] ... le2ma6.png[/IMG] ... le3at8.png[/IMG]