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Snap Dragon - Tyke2Workshop

I don't want people to use these but if they do they do... Alright. Here we go. These are for a failed manga/ western based game... that me, double_clawshot, and Shadow started. Dunno if I should be working on these or not without their consent.

http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/3184 ... ke2kx9.png[/IMG]
Isabella Roarek. aka Snap Dragon: A 18 year old girl in a justice based organization called the Kyoukai. Her personality can be weird at times. She's basically a mystery that hates injustice, but will easily do an injustice for justice. She's sortof an Antihero caught up in her job.

http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/6231 ... ke2eo4.png[/IMG]
Alan Carter. aka Alan Carter: Age 12. He's in the Young Kyoukai program. He hangs around with snap dragon as a side kick/ minor set-back because of the program. Though Isabella is rather annoyed by Alan, she seems to put up with him... without killing him of course.

http://img396.imageshack.us/img396/6941 ... ke2uo2.png[/IMG]
Pablo Rodriguez. aka El Pu?o: Age 21. He's a very strong and simple-minded type of person. He's not as stupid as you would think at a first glance but he's easily fooled by sarcasm. Basically he's gullible.

Snap Dragon - Dragon Form.: ???

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/7044 ... ke2ov4.png[/IMG]
Alexis Harper aka. Frozen Steel Age 19. Known for her legs. She's a HUGE rival of Snap Dragon's. Her design was supposed to be Gangsta/Sexy but it didn't quite work out in sprite form... Like I said she is known for legs. Both Strong and Sexy. She's a bit of a flirt but can get serious in a mission or near Snap Dragon.

http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8206 ... r01qz2.png[/IMG]http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/511/professor02lu1.png[/IMG]
The Professors Age ??: The Professors that developed the superhuman serum one of them died in an accident

http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/1103 ... aleqs4.png[/IMG]
http://img510.imageshack.us/img510/7488 ... le2ma6.png[/IMG]
http://img160.imageshack.us/img160/9541 ... le3at8.png[/IMG]
Looks cool man, i like the look of Alan :), the pants on Isabella are sopposed to go below the belly button right? I think you should raise the pants up a pixel maybe though because it makes her look like she has a big belly from the front, not a bad muscle edit bud :thumb:
wtf... Sorry. I meant to post something a while ago. I went on a trip so I wasn't here for a couple days. I'll edit this post or, if so be it, I'll post another post, or something, with the new versions of the sprites. Maybe in an hours. But I don't usually still to this sort of things. Don't think that that or my signature is a promise.


http://img232.imageshack.us/img232/3184 ... ke2kx9.png[/img]

More updates will be up at the top (first post).

Interesting concept here, I congratulate you on your attempt to make a dragon! I've only got a few words of advice on this one, I think the outline of the dragon needs to be a bit darker and you have some inconsistencies with the shading, there are even some areas where you pillow shaded. Either way continue working with this it shows promise.
Thanks for that Lonesight. I noticed some terrible mistakes but thanks for bringing those to my attention.

I've update the first topic with two WIP Professors and a finished Pablo.

EDIT::: I think I pillow shaded the professors as well... But It was pretty quickly done
that dragon looks a lot like tana's behemoth from her spriting tutorial :s
Alexis is my favourite! :0
and did you notice the professors don't wear shoes O.o
yeah... umm... This never crossed my mind before but do you think I should credit tana? I did use the tutorial you speak of, but only watched Part 1.

Yeah alot of the charas don't have shoes. It got lazy around the shoes which is where I actually usually end sprites.

Oh and thanks for the compliment.



Sweet sprites and characters and I love the dragon. :D Great work!

The tall battler looks nice, I especially like her stance. Though her arm is a little stiff, even as the gun fires. Shouldn't her arm recoil or something? What's happening in the third row? I can't make it out. :s
Thanks, D-Pad. Due to my extreme laziness and lack of sleep I don't really think I'll be doing a hit pose. They're completely blocked by the animations I'm using. But I have made 2 other battlers. One for Alan and one for an NPC I made. I think the NPC's are less than good. The ready pose actually sucks....

I also made a battleback that REALLY needs c n c. It sorta sucks right now as well.

http://img264.imageshack.us/img264/8513 ... la3rp9.png[/IMG]


http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/7502 ... er2rv1.png[/IMG]

thanks but a faced paced cbs does not my scripting make. If anyone has any ideas on how I can make a gun shooter sideview cbs with rtab exciting and stategetic, please tell me. Cause right now the cbs is kinda dull. Maybe because I've battled like 100 times with it.

Anyway Only one new charaset but I do have some previews at the npcs currently in devopment. While the drifter graciously said that I could finish some of his awesome spritey goodness.

http://img130.imageshack.us/img130/6831 ... erssd7.png[/img]

It's magically delicious. what-ev from left to right(The way they appear in my game):

Neil[NPC (May become PC later in-game on different missions.)] Leader of the Kyoukai Organization
Izzy[NPC] A stranger that constantly plays music for you.
Jason[NPC] (Makes you sweep the streets for money.)
Business Man[NPC] Random NPC.
... The rest are random so far. No real reason. Though the first two girls in the original column are a Kyoukai general and a Kyoukai Cadet.

... rest later.

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