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Smiley Revamp



:fire01: Take-home message for those of short attention span :fire02:
-check your skin settings. You don't need to look at RTP smileys if you change skin.
-Revamp is still underway
-don't use this thread to post your own ideas for new smileys.


Smileys have been revamped, and are in the process of being further revamped and resorted XD! I hope you like the changes. The way it works right now is that all skins but PixelVoodoo use the old "silver" smileys by default:thumb: . Pixelvoodoo uses the RTP smiley set, which has just been refurbished to have as much variety as Silver. If you hate the RTP smileys, just go down and change your skin to PixelVoodoo: Silver Smilies. Voila! :)

I am looking for a way to make this option settable in your user profile, rather than in the skin selection menu. Also, it will soon be possible to specify an RTP or Silver smiley that shows as such no matter the other users' set smiley preference, for the odd case where you want a specific smiley that is different in different sets, eg. :rage: (edit: that is now possible :rage01::rage02: so I hope you like it ^_^)

I have tried to keep the smiley code mostly the same as before, but some old smileycodes don't work anymore; they were poorly thought out and I wanted the new ones to be more efficient /_\. Also the smiley quick box is all out of order, I am fixing that as fast as I can @_@. (edit, it should be better now ;))

This change might seem a bit pointless so far, but we are working on getting new sets of smileys to add to the list8-) . Please do not offer to submit your own new smileys, or use this thread as a dumping ground. We're not in dire need of smiley artists at the moment and I am trying to keep some order to the procedure:p .

This is probably the most smileys I have ever used in one post that was not just a list of smileys. :-/ It will probably remain that way. I am not a big smiley guy :eek:
I'm liking the updates, I've always wanted to use :'( , it shows emotion better and the new codes will take a bit of getting used to. Good job Erk :thumb: looking forward to further upgrades :yes:.

Oh and the icons that were deleted by the hack, what's being done about them?




The icons weren't deleted, they're still there, but you can't access them; I am working on a better system for displaying them.

Panda: they will probably get used a little more now that they have more logical key replacements, I think. Also now as they are skin dependant there are actually fewer smileys, only 40 base smileys as opposed to 70 before where lots were doubles.
Ooooh! They is prettiful!
O_o < That one is soooooooooooooo coooool.
:# < That ones makes me want to do dirty things to my keyboard
:evil: < And that's just plain badass, who made these glories anyway? Was it you, Erk? Cause if it was *Shakes fist*...



Dunno why it would make you shake your fist, but the only one I am 100% sure I made is :rage02:. I probably did a few others but I can't remember which ones. None of the new ones are mine, although I may throw a few more into the standard set on my own if I get bored. Not likely.
The only problem I see is that the smily face :) doesn't look "smily" enough. ':| But then I'm just picky.

These absolutely own though.

O_o <- = best ever, but only because it reminds me of Black Mage. :thumb:
I pretty much hate all of these so I'll just stick with the simpler ones.

Sorry, but those are just too... detailed for me. It's hard to describe.



Hey guys, check #3 on my bolded list of take-home points for those with short attention spans :|

don't use this thread to post your own ideas for new smileys.

but yes, DK is the next likely smiley set.
Damnit, forgot aboult the rules. And not to try and get you mad at me or anything, but that was more of a question than a suggestion.

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