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Hehehe, I was randomly inspired by a bottle of mountain dew to write a smat-rap.
WARNING: The following content may contain themes and language that may offend some people. Viewer discretion is advised...
Which translates to...
Sit the F*@K DOWN, AND READ, B*$#H, before I goes Chuck Norris on your purple ass!!!
You just got pwned
I'm kinda stoned
The missile is honed
Not really a disgrace
Except it's full of mace
And you're sucking a shoe lace
The swing of a hockey puck
S**t out of luck
My pants need a tuck
The life story of a stoner
Lips that taste like corona
That beverage is gonna own her
Not the sexual kind of frizz
But the aural type of biz
She be related to Liz
Don't know what I be saying
To this game that we be playing
Why does your hair be fraying?
Do I even care enough to smackapackaluckinfivetoonethebunishotinmyhandifyouarestillreadingthenyoubeonededicatedmotherf**ker
To which you reply..........
I don't understand,
What are you doing with your hand?
Isn't that white stuff banned?
But is it really enough for us to part ways and hold hands at the same time, which is quite physically impossible
The chances of that being astronomical
And you still are playing Mr. Bionicle
This show has gone on long enough,
You're going to have to sit tight and be tough,
Check it out as I smoke a spliff,
And my head starts swirling in a jiff

Ah, a tobacco refreshment, how fitting. What do you think? Epic enough for an emmy? Or is it complete garbage? Does this, even though it's a poem, belong here in literary analysis? That's up to you(plural) to decide.

EDIT: I forgot, this poem actually does have some significance in my life. If you read carefully, you may notice that there exists certain common elements in the poem, scattered all throughout. What this signifies is that there are many feelings and actions that I've experienced, but they are confused, jumbled, out of order, which symbolises the chaotic mess my life used to be. The abrupt ending is a play on how we do not know how these experiences may end for us, or at least for me, but they usually do tend to be straight-forward and direct.
How you interpret the rest, is up to you(plural. Again).
Lol, I try my best.
EDIT: Again, I have been inspired.

The KFC song
Deliery is up
Gotta rush outside, check that shit
Attacked by 1pm rush hour
Scouring the lands and my kitchen area for some wings to cook
I'm out
Gotta cook something else
Turn to my swing cook
"Hey, can you give me a hand?"
The customers enjoy their new menu addition
The High-five special
Warning: Contains a real hand
Co-worker goes to the manager
A complaint
A complaint?!
Who dares complain about the master cooker man?!?!
Warning: May contain Anna Kournikova
I rule.

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