This Script let you to call a Scene with a Bar with a X number of filled, you need to smash a button to fill the bar, if you fill the bar, a Local switch will be active, else, you return to the Map.
This System is similar to the MK1 Bonus Games, or other Similars like Defeat the Bull,
MK Shaoling Monks, o Resident Evil Open Doors Engine.
For Now, this script is a Kind of template to do something, it doesn't have a really use, but, if you have Imagination, you will make great things
- Very Customizable...very...very
- Easy to Call
- I don't Know what more...
It's Ridiculus, like the Harry Potter Spell...

Yes, but it's a donkeyness... (If this word Exists...) so, just for fun.
4Shared Link
It's Very Short, so:
# ** Smashing Button System
# MephistoX
# Version 1.0
# 01/03/09
# SDK : Version 2.4+
# * Version History :
# Â Version 1 ---------------------------------------------------- (01/03/09)
# Â Â - Log : First Version Released
# * Requirements :
# Â Method & Class Library (2.3 +)
# * Description :
# Â This Script let you to call a Scene with a Bar with a X number of filled,
# Â you need to smash a button to fill the bar, if you fill the bar, a Local
# Â switch will be active, else, you return to the Map.
# Â
# Â This System is similar to the MK1 Bonus Games, or other Similars like
# Â Defeat the Bull, MK Shaoling Monks, o Resident Evil Open Doors Engine.
# * Instructions :
# Â Place The Script Below the SDK and Above Main.
# Â Refer to Syntax to call the Smashing Scene
# * Syntax :
# Â Calling Scene :
# Â Â - Script :, event_id, switch_key, options = {})
# Â Parameters(Must be Defined)
# Â
# Â - map_id = Event Map ID, this is to active the Local Switch
# Â - event_id = Event ID, see above
# Â - switch_key = Local Switch Key('A', 'B', 'C', 'D')
# Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Options(Optional Use)| Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Defaults/Examples|
#   - 'Gradient' => Gradient Graphic for the Window   = 'MP_001-Oranges01'
#   - 'Button' => Button to smash to fill the Bar    = Input::C
#   - 'Resistance' => Resistance of the Bar       = 1
#   - 'Power' => Smash Button Power           = 1
#   - 'Filled' => Bar Initial Filled           = rand_between(20, 50)
#   - 'Max' => Bar Max Filled              = 100
# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('Smashing Button System', 'MephistoX', 1.0, '01/03/09')
SDK.check_requirements(2.4, [], {'Method & Class Library' => 2.2})
# * Begin SDK Enable Test
if SDK.enabled?('Smashing Button System')
# ** Scene_SmashButton
# Â This class performs Smashing Button Screen Processing.
class Scene_SmashButton < SDK::Scene_Base
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(map, event, key, options = {})
  # Sets Default Parameters (If Undefined)
  gradient = options.member?('Gradient') ? options['Gradient'] : 'MP_001-Oranges01'
  button = options.member?('Button') ? options['Button']  : Input::C
  resistance = options.member?('Resistance') ? options['Resistance'] : 1
  power = options.member?('Power') ? options['Power'] : 1
  filled = options.member?('Filled') ? options['Filled'] : rand_between(20, 50)
  max = options.member?('Max') ? options['Max'] : 300
  # Saves Parameters
  @map     = map        # Event Map ID
  @event    = event       # Event ID
  @key     = key        # Local Switch Key
  @gradient  = gradient     # Window's Bar Gradient
  @button   = button      # Button to Trigger
  @resistance = resistance    # Bar Resistance
  @power    = power       # Smash Power
  @filled   = filled      # Initial Filled
  @max     = max        # Maximum Fill
 # * Main Sprite_Set
 def main_spriteset
  # Sets Up Spriteset
  @spriteset =
 # * Main Processing : Window Initialization
 def main_window
  @bar_window =, @filled, @max) = true
 # * Frame Update
 def update
  # Every Frame substrac Resistance to Bar Filling if Self > 0
  @bar_window.filling -= @resistance if @bar_window.filling > 0
  # Refresh Window
  # If B button was pressed
  if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
   # Play cancel SE
   # Switch to menu screen
   $scene =
  # If Defined Button was pressed
  if Input.trigger?(@button)
   # Play decision SE
   # Add XNumber to the Bar Filling if self is > Maximum Filling
   @bar_window.filling += (@power *10) if @bar_window.filling < @max
  # If Bar Filling < 1
  if @bar_window.filling < 1
   # Play wrong SE
   Audio.se_play('Audio/SE/058-Wrong02', 80)
   # Return to Map
   $scene =
  # If Bar Filling is Full
  if @bar_window.filling >= @max
   # Active Self Switch
   key = [@map, @event, @key]
   $game_self_switches[key] = true
   $game_map.need_refresh = true
   # Return to Map
   $scene =
# ** Window_Bar
# Â This window displays a Gradient Bar
class Scene_SmashButton::Window_Bar < Window_Base
 # * Public Instance Variables
 attr_accessor :filling     # Bar Initial Filling
 # * Object Initialization
 def initialize(gradient, filling, max)
  super(0, 0, 160, 64)
  self.contents = - 32, height - 32)
  self.back_opacity = 160
  @gradient = gradient
  @filling = filling
  @max = max
 # * Refresh
 def refresh
  # Draw Gradient Bara
  self.contents.draw_trick_gradient_bar(0, 0, @filling, @max,
  @gradient, self.width - 32, 8, 'MP_001-Back01','MP_001-Back02')
# * End SDK Enable Test
See the Script Header, it's very simple.
None yet...
- Requires SDK 2.4+
- Requires MACL 2.3+
It's very simple, no more.
Credits and Thanks
Well, I think, Credits to Me xD.
Author's Notes
Any comment?, Question, Bug?.... Leave a Message.
Also, I have another script, but I'm lazy to post here, but If anyone want to post for me..
I need you ___________ (Fill the Blank with your name).
See ya!