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sleeves - old song i found

right, this sucks but i am truly that bored to have gone through the trouble of reading my own handwriting, deciphering it, and typing it out.

one thing i really like is a lot of people will post things and be like "lol this r horriblez" and it's one attempted big pity party, "oh love me love me say how great and artistic i am".  i'm actually putting this here, and saying it's not good - but for different intent, because not only am I that bored but as an exercise.  I want to know in a very stupid manner, how explicit i am with intent, like not to sound oh so foolish (yeah, too late for that right? :P) but if the conveyance from what i was thinking matches the result one might think... if that made sense?  I dunno.
bah song poems whatever, same thing only one has an obvious chorus set to music :p

---"sleeves" (because thinking of an original title would be a waste of time)---

so the days get longer but
my sleeves stay the same
they claim its something like what you'd call
laying blame
it's like when your closing down around them
you could be something special bright
or you can be alive

there's nothing more than that
there's nothing else don't deny
if there was it wasn't special yet
if there was it didn't stay to still
so quiet these sleeves
they keep on pumping like hearts
so quiet these sleeves
they pump like the heart they're meant to be

i don't wanna wear this not today
i don't wanna wear this color is
bad for me
i don't wanna wear this not today
i don't wanna wear this color is
death on me

so these days get shorter but
my sleeves stay the same
something bout my posture will give away
the game
it's like when your choosing and you thought to win
you could be something special bright
or you can be alive

there's nothing more than that
there's nothing else don't deny
if there was it wasn't special yet
if there was it didn't stay to still
so quiet these sleeves
they keep on pumping like hearts
so quiet these sleeves
they pump like the heart they're meant to be

it's dangerous you'll see from here
all the top and below the sea
it's like when your drifting
but you can't sleep no ever sleep
it keeps awake in here
so go to sleep but don't dissappear

i don't wanna wear this not today
i don't wanna wear this color is
bad for me
i don't wanna wear this not today
i don't wanna wear this color is
death on me

there's nothing more than that
nothing more from here
if there was it wasn't special yet
nothings ever special yet

so quiet these sleeves
they keep on pumping like hearts
so quiet these sleeves
they pump like the heart they're meant to be
shut it down and give thought
give it all and out
you're not standing still
so i guess your better off
if you got away from here*

*=i can't tell my hand writing if it says here, more, or me :x
so take that last sentence to be any of those words if you want

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