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"Slapz" - The Epic War


Never before has anyone witnessed a fight like this.

Well, this is a minigame where you have to press space bar to slap the face on the right. But! The CPU can slap you aswell! The longer you wait the higher your score gets, but will the CPU ruin it with one final slap to end the match? Slap early and you walk away with a low score, wait too long and your high score could be lost with a fatal enemy slap!

http://i45.photobucket.com/albums/f81/x ... icture.png[/img]
The two face each other with a fury that puts fear into the soul of satan himself...

(Only 613KB)
This was pretty fun, and WAY better than Big Puncher(not that big puncher was that bad.)  Man you sure like making minigames huh.
Big Puncher II didn't have an attacking enemy so I wanted to change that, glad to see people prefer this one! Although Big Puncher is the one I'm using in my super secret project.

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