This script introduce a mode where the cutscene type commands(show message, move
event, etc, show picture, anymation, sounds, etc) dont function so only the
logical and nor graphical options work(battle, changue equip, items, etc).
In this way you can use this feature to skip any cutscene using a election or using
a key for this option.
Note that you can also use this to test better and very quick your games.
I will listen to any suggerence, bug, etc.
event, etc, show picture, anymation, sounds, etc) dont function so only the
logical and nor graphical options work(battle, changue equip, items, etc).
In this way you can use this feature to skip any cutscene using a election or using
a key for this option.
Note that you can also use this to test better and very quick your games.
# Skip Cutscenes Mode
# By gerkrt/gerrtunk(main), GreenBanana, wecoc, pacman(some ideas or suggestions),
# sandgolem(some of his script code here)
# Version: 1.1
# License: MIT, credits
# Date: 11/08/2011
# IMPORTANT NOTE: to acces the more actualitzed or corrected version of this
# script check here: [url=][/url]
This script introduce a mode where the cutscene type commands(show message, move
event, etc, show picture, anymation, sounds, etc) dont function so only the
logical and nor graphical options work(battle, changue equip, items, etc).
In this way you can use this feature to skip any cutscene using a election or using
a key for this option.
Note that you can also use this to test better and very quick your games.
You have two ways of doing this. First you can call this script to active or
desactivate the cutscene mode:
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = true
---> this activate it
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = false
---> desactivate
You can also use a key to active or desactive it in the game maps, you configure
the key in:
Skip_key = Input::A
To changue it you have to use the information you configure using f1 ingame,
and changuing the A letter to the you want to use.
Note that you can configure a sound for the map option. For default it uses your
database cancel se, but you can use any other se. If you dont want anyone, just
put = false.
Finally, note that the mode active/inactive is saved when you save the game and
isnt reseted.
You can also make that this mode only works when you want. To make that this mode
works it have to be active this option with a script call:
$game_system.is_cutscene = true (you can make = false like the other)
Using this you can call this script at the start and the end of a event cutscene,
activing and desactivating it, so it only works there. Note that also the key
changuing dont work if that isnt active.
This option is permanent too.
-----DEBUG MODE-----
You can autoactivate the is_scene atribute in the game when debuging it with
the rpgmaker so you can test the project better. You just dont need to active
that option.
If you dont want to use this just set to false: Use_debug_mode = false
This script is incompatible with any script that changues the interpreter in the
way it executes commands.
But you can make it compatible with scripts that changue the map too much(normally
it have to work). To do that put Modify_scene_map = false, but you will lose
the key in map feature.
module Wep
Use_debug_mode = true
Skip_key = Input::A
Skip_SE = '003-System03'
SKM_Modify_scene_map = true
# ** Interpreter
# This interpreter runs event commands. This class is used within the
# Game_System class and the Game_Event class.
class Interpreter
alias wep_scm_execcom_int execute_command
# * Event Command Execution
# Now it returns all the graphical options when cutscene mode is active to skip
def execute_command
# If last to arrive for list of event commands
if @index >= @list.size - 1
# End event
# Continue
return true
# Make event command parameters available for reference via @parameters
@parameters = @list[@index].parameters
# Branch by command code
case @list[@index].code
when 101 # Show Text
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_101
when 102 # Show Choices
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_102
when 402 # When [**]
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_402
when 403 # When Cancel
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_403
when 103 # Input Number
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_103
when 104 # Change Text Options
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_104
when 105 # Button Input Processing
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_105
when 106 # Wait
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_106
when 111 # Conditional Branch
return command_111
when 411 # Else
return command_411
when 112 # Loop
return command_112
when 413 # Repeat Above
return command_413
when 113 # Break Loop
return command_113
when 115 # Exit Event Processing
return command_115
when 116 # Erase Event
return command_116
when 117 # Call Common Event
return command_117
when 118 # Label
return command_118
when 119 # Jump to Label
return command_119
when 121 # Control Switches
return command_121
when 122 # Control Variables
return command_122
when 123 # Control Self Switch
return command_123
when 124 # Control Timer
return command_124
when 125 # Change Gold
return command_125
when 126 # Change Items
return command_126
when 127 # Change Weapons
return command_127
when 128 # Change Armor
return command_128
when 129 # Change Party Member
return command_129
when 131 # Change Windowskin
return command_131
when 132 # Change Battle BGM
return command_132
when 133 # Change Battle End ME
return command_133
when 134 # Change Save Access
return command_134
when 135 # Change Menu Access
return command_135
when 136 # Change Encounter
return command_136
when 201 # Transfer Player
return command_201
when 202 # Set Event Location
return command_202
when 203 # Scroll Map
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_203
when 204 # Change Map Settings
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_204
when 205 # Change Fog Color Tone
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_205
when 206 # Change Fog Opacity
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_206
when 207 # Show Animation
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_207
when 208 # Change Transparent Flag
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_208
when 209 # Set Move Route
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_209
when 210 # Wait for Move's Completion
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_210
when 221 # Prepare for Transition
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_221
when 222 # Execute Transition
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_222
when 223 # Change Screen Color Tone
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_223
when 224 # Screen Flash
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_224
when 225 # Screen Shake
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_225
when 231 # Show Picture
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_231
when 232 # Move Picture
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_232
when 233 # Rotate Picture
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_233
when 234 # Change Picture Color Tone
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_234
when 235 # Erase Picture
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_235
when 236 # Set Weather Effects
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_236
when 241 # Play BGM
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_241
when 242 # Fade Out BGM
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_242
when 245 # Play BGS
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_245
when 246 # Fade Out BGS
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_246
when 247 # Memorize BGM/BGS
return command_247
when 248 # Restore BGM/BGS
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_248
when 249 # Play ME
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_249
when 250 # Play SE
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_250
when 251 # Stop SE
return if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode and $game_system.is_cutscene ; return if Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
return command_251
when 301 # Battle Processing
return command_301
when 601 # If Win
return command_601
when 602 # If Escape
return command_602
when 603 # If Lose
return command_603
when 302 # Shop Processing
return command_302
when 303 # Name Input Processing
return command_303
when 311 # Change HP
return command_311
when 312 # Change SP
return command_312
when 313 # Change State
return command_313
when 314 # Recover All
return command_314
when 315 # Change EXP
return command_315
when 316 # Change Level
return command_316
when 317 # Change Parameters
return command_317
when 318 # Change Skills
return command_318
when 319 # Change Equipment
return command_319
when 320 # Change Actor Name
return command_320
when 321 # Change Actor Class
return command_321
when 322 # Change Actor Graphic
return command_322
when 331 # Change Enemy HP
return command_331
when 332 # Change Enemy SP
return command_332
when 333 # Change Enemy State
return command_333
when 334 # Enemy Recover All
return command_334
when 335 # Enemy Appearance
return command_335
when 336 # Enemy Transform
return command_336
when 337 # Show Battle Animation
return command_337
when 338 # Deal Damage
return command_338
when 339 # Force Action
return command_339
when 340 # Abort Battle
return command_340
when 351 # Call Menu Screen
return command_351
when 352 # Call Save Screen
return command_352
when 353 # Game Over
return command_353
when 354 # Return to Title Screen
return command_354
when 355 # Script
return command_355
else # Other
return true
# ** Game System
class Game_System
attr_accessor :skip_cutscene_mode
attr_accessor :is_cutscene
alias gs_init_wep_skm initialize
def initialize
@skip_cutscene_mode = false
@is_cutscene = false
# ** Scene Map
# Compatibility check
if Wep::SKM_Modify_scene_map
class Scene_Map
alias wep_cutsceneskip_update update
def update
# Skip cutscene
if $game_system.is_cutscene and Input.trigger?(Wep::Skip_key)
# Use SE
if Wep::Skip_SE
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + Wep::Skip_SE, 100, 0)
# Operate mode
if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = false
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = true
# Debug mode and its active
elsif Wep::Use_debug_mode and $DEBUG and Input.trigger?(Wep::Skip_key)
# Use SE
if Wep::Skip_SE
Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/" + Wep::Skip_SE, 100, 0)
# Operate mode
if $game_system.skip_cutscene_mode
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = false
$game_system.skip_cutscene_mode = true
I will listen to any suggerence, bug, etc.