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Skills can only be used with a certain weapon

I'm wondering, can anyone make a script that makes it so certain skills (defineable in the script) can only be used when certain weapons (defineable in the script) are equipped, either by letter the user write out the IDs of weapons in the script or making the "certain" weapons have an element and make it so 'Skill 1' can only work when 'Weapon with * element' is equipped.

This could be used for games where swords, axes, knives, e.t.c. can be equipped on a single character, thus preventing the player from using a knife skill when they have an axe equipped.

Ah, right you are :)


But, I seem to be getting an error.

I have the following

  module Skills
    # * Requirements
    Actor          = {}
    Class          = {}
    Skill_All      = {}
    Skill_One      = {}
    Weapon         = {4 => 4}
    Armor_All      = {}
    Armor_One      = {}
    Level          = {}
    Stat_All       = {}
    Stat_One       = {}
    State_Have_All = {}
    State_Have_One = {}
    State_Dont_All = {}
    State_Dont_One = {}
    Switch_All     = {}
    Switch_One     = {}
    Variable_All   = {}
    Variable_One   = {}

But, when I go to the skills menu and check the skill (which is learned, but I don't have the weapon equipped), I get an error for line 484 (in bold)

  # * Requirements Test : Weapon
  def self.has_weapon?(weapon_id, list = [])
    [b]for id in list[/b]
      return true if weapon_id == id
    return false
I only used his earlier version in my RTAB demo, but after seeing this...
def self.has_weapon?(weapon_id, [B]list = [][/B])
It looks like you can specify 1 weapon to attach to multiple skills, like you would code...
Weapon         = {4 => [4,5,6]}
or just
Weapon         = {4 => [4]}

I could be wrong, but given that the def you posted is asking for a hash list where you tag multiple skills for the weapon...

MAN, I'm gonna have to grab this one from his TestBed tonight!
Bah, I knew the solution had to be simple...

I didn't do that because the comments section had this for weapon requirements

Setup : Weapon = { object_id => weapon_id, ... }
instead of
Setup : Weapon = { object_id => [weapon_id, ...] }

But, nevertheless, It's working now.


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