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Skill Ability Points



Basically, what I want is a script that makes instead of gaining skills by level you gain skills by how many ability or tech points you have, and you get ability or tech points from the enemies. If anyone wants to help me, I am using ccoa's battle (if that would help with making the script) and it would be greatly appreciated if someone did help.



Well, I suppose if you had a characters that throughout the game had armor only they could wear, you could set all the skills you wanted them to ever learn on each one.

Like say David is the only one that can wear chainmail and you wanted him to learn Backstab, Deathstrike, and Illusion...you'd make all three skills learnable for Bronze Chainmail, Iron Chainmail, Steel Chainmail.
allthough a little late, Seph also made a skill shop script that might help out what you want. A little bit of editing in the battle scene and you can get skill points after every battle that could be used to purchase skills. I did this in one of my scrapped projects a while back



I don't really like the idea of a shop, Twilight.

Ok, the equipment skills didn't work. I don't want the player to have use of every skill as soon as they equip the armor.

So I shall "bump" this, seen as I still need help.

Here's a little more of what I had in mind:
Basically I would like the system like in Chrono Trigger. Get ability points after battle and those ability points level up a skill then once that skill has been leveled up, the ability points start on the next skill, only learning one skill at at a time.

If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated.
within the equipment skill script there should be a switch as to weather the character can use the skill as they learn it, or if they have to wait untill it has been learned.
  # * Disable Until Learned
  Disable_Until_Learned = false
Just change false to true.
No. The part that you'll need to change is
# * Only Learn One Skill at a time
#   (Must assign the current skill each time)
Learn_One_Skill = false

Find that and change it to true.

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