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Skie's Animated Battlers & Requests(Closed)

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Hi Skie,
I was wondering If you might want to tack a shot at a request I made? See I made this battler for mincoffs battle system, and every thing lines up right, but I just wanted to animate it. I had no luck, and so I posted a request, and was wondering if you have room for a norther request? If so Here is a link to it,


I hope you can help, You are kinda my last hope! If you want to use it in your game, then by all means go a head, but if it is to much trouble, can you PM it to me? Thanks

ok.. i'm putting in a request ^_^

Name of request: Asra Khan

Description: A Reincarnated angel sent to stop Lucifer Celestia from taking over the world of Eris. He's has a strong sense of justice... and this often gets him into trouble.

Proof of work: www.myspace.com/rvl1234 -i have several characters that i'm trying to make into animated battlers ^_^

http://i171.photobucket.com/albums/u304 ... -FINAL.jpg[/img]

sorry about the previous post btw. that was a bit lazy of me  :tongue:
Wow, finally a skilled person who takes requests.

I hope you can fulfill my request, there's no explanation needed I think, since I have the spriteset and battler. That should do it. If you still need anything more, let me know.



Description: Marvin is a teenager who just turned 18 and is now old enough to enlist in the army of the king. Becoming a soldier, it is his duty to investigate a rival kingdom. This leads to certain events that unfortunately cannot be typed out here because it would spoil my entire project.  :thumb:

Proof of work... Huh, lemme see. Well, the project is still in early development, hence why I'm making this request. But I can PM you the script and story synopsis I have so far, and a WIP map of my capital city if you like.

If you can't do it, that's ok... But any help is always appreciated.
Indeed, but how many people will truly put it to good use? That's the second question. :)

But I don't blame the others. It's hard to find decent custom characters for your game if you can't draw them yourself. It's a shame that the guy who made it isn't making more, or he's taking very long. I'd like to see more of his stuff.
Ganstaquay5000":3ke54qq0 said:
Alright... I don't really remember the numbers, all I know is that I want a sideview battler for the male grappler... Happy now...LOL... Thanks

No I'm not happy now. Skie is doing us all a favor by making these, and asked of something very simple. When you request a character use the form supplied. I mentioned this before, but obviously you have a hard time reading that part.
First of all, what are you getting upset with me for? You not even the one making the battlers... Besides, I don't see Skie complaining...

I didn't ask you anything so why are you even responding to what I had to say? Don't waste your time saying anything else to me cause you are offically begin ignored to the high degree.
I dont really have much reference material here but if you still have a spot open :)
Animated battler for use with the VX sideview battlesystem ^^

Name of Request: Scura
Name: Scura
Class: Fighter
Scura uses a longsword and a kite shield. He wears the plate armor shown in the reference picture. Underneath his armor is a black shirt and 'loose' black trousers, with buckled brown leather boots. He has a sword sheeth on his right side. Armor to be colored as in the referance picture, except a little darker and the gold trim to be more of a bronz-ey? trim :). For the shield, color it blue, without the emblem and with white edges, that start where the gold lines are to the edge of the shield. The sword will be much the same as in the reference picture except with a brown leather handle.
What to do on each pose:
1 Ready Pose: He holds his sword ready and his shiled at his side.
2 Hit: He staggers back a bit then steps back forward and gets ready again.
3 Low HP: He kneels on the floor and holds himself up using his sword.
4 Guard: Holds his shield ready to guard.
5 Move to: He dashes to the area.
6 move from: Same as above
7 Attack: He slashes them with his sword.
8 Skills: He stands up straight and stabs his sword into the ground. (For melee skills he charges like in Moveto)
9 Vicotory pose: He turns away from where the enemy stands and puts his sword on his shoulder.
10 Dead: He lays on the floor..xD
Reference Pictures:
Armor -http://www.woodus.com/den/gallery/graphics/dw4nes/armor/full_plate_armor.png
Sword - http://cdn.overstock.com/images/products/L10876468.jpg
Shield - http://medieval.stormthecastle.com/imag ... AG79KL.jpg
Hair and face - http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/2509/scuracw2.png[/img]
Proof of work/project topic/etc: I dont have much proof of my project but my team has 2 mappers, me and a friend of mine, a story writer and an artist (for faces and some creatures) Were still early in development :) When i made the topic it was closed for lack of information and were still working on getting some screenshots and more stuff done on the game to get it reopend :)
(A piece of music i made for it) http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=43792.0
(The closed topic >_<;) http://www.rmxp.org/forums/index.php?topic=42153.0

If this is too messy to understand i can try and put it clearer :)

Also if you could do a sprite for him that would be super ^_^

If you can take my request, thanks bery much ^_^;

would you accept requests for animated battlers, like spritesheets used in Minkoff's Animated Battlers script? The spritesheet uses 11 'poses' as opposed to the default 4 for XP charsets
@busbuzz: There's technically nothing really wrong with your request, and you seem to have a good amount of work done on your project, therefore I'll accept it.

@Ryan Allen: Your request falls under the rip-off rule. I am very familiar with Tales of Phantasia, so I'm refusing.

@rvl1234: Not enough proof of work for my tastes, sorry.

@Prepe: No I don't compile battlers

@Russty: No proof of work, therefore, request refusal.

@Ganstaquay5000: You obviously didn't read the rules, therefore, request refused.

@SephirothOVA: You're joking right? Have a nice long look at this thread again and ask yourself the same question.

I usually hold off on replying in order to save it for when I have an update, but I figured I may as well acknowledge those who posted. Whether it be acceptance or refusal.

Yes, I know. One request got accepted in a sea of refusals. Sorry if I come off as uptight or egotistical, but I'd rather work on an interesting and/or well thought out request than a boring, poorly thought out request or a rip-off.

A visual update will come once I'm no longer in exams most likely.
Ganstaquay5000":30xqfti6 said:
First of all, what are you getting upset with me for? You not even the one making the battlers... Besides, I don't see Skie complaining...

I didn't ask you anything so why are you even responding to what I had to say? Don't waste your time saying anything else to me cause you are offically begin ignored to the high degree.

Whatever bro, I was only trying to help you. If you would have filled out the form, he might have made one for you. Sorry for trying to help ya.

WHAT?! not enough proof of work?! i have a whole gallery of works that i did in different stages! ARE YOU RETARDED?! ... ^_^; fine. i'll just make my own side view sprites. I'm not gonna kiss your ass.
Well let's see...viewing your myspace page, I see nothing relating to your game. And I can't view albums because I don't intend to join Myspace. So that piece of artwork is all I can go off of. Which isn't enough. Sorry if my standards are too 'retarded' for you, heh.

That said, have fun making your battlers~
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