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Skate Boarding

Something I forgot to mention, I scratched my knee going down the road and it bled like hell. I couldn't even walk. That could be a reason for why I never got into it.



Ouch lol, hmmm fair enough reason...i've never broke a bone but i have had a very bad injury involving my shin, scraping my shin and the bone T_T
Skateboarding is just a rip off of snowboarding. Stop stealing from the eskimos.

I can't stand skateboarding. It's pretty lame, just a bunch of spinning and making your skateboard move up in the air slightly. I mean, I know it's not easy. But it's still stupid.



Well you should know that skateboarding came first. Heres the evolution:-


Skateboarding isn't stupid its like any other sport just like football and rugby..but compared to those two it requires alot more talent.

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