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Simple Request

ToriVerly;158871 said:
A few simple edits can remove the actor state, character graphic, the exp bar and the other characters' HUD's but I'd assume you'd want them...If you want it exactly like in your picture, I can try and edit it for you but you're probably better off with someone else XP lol

I looked at the link that you posted, and was planning on posting a similar request. But anyways, is it possible to bring the window up only on certain situations? For example in my game, I plan to have a special boss in each of the dungeons. This boss doesn't use the battle screen like any other enemy/boss you see in RPGs...but instead you fight him on the map. (I call this the Action/Puzzle Boss)

I was thinking like once you enter the room your party's HP and SP is immediately displayed as if you're starting a battle until you defeat the Action/Puzzle Boss.

to turn it off and

to turn it on
Just have an event turn it off. It should stay off until you turn it back on when you get to the boss.
Did you want those edits I mentioned? (you said similar request...)
And I want to add again that I'm not a scripting wiz..actually I'd say I'm a total n00b who happens to know how to cut out a few lines of code lol

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