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Simple Poems



Here are some things I wrote a while ago. They were originally posted on Writing.com, and got some good feedback. Now I want to see what ya'll think? (Original versions on Writing.com. Below are extended/edited versions.)

Something Epic (Extended)

Something Truly Epic,
That's what I want to see,
So I'll spend all of my days and nights,
Searching through a fantasy,

I'll look under every log,
There won't be a stone unturned,
I'll ask for help from elves and fairies,
And Wizards whose minds are learned,

I'll look in every mirror,
Down every well and cave,
I'll climb to the tops of mountains,
I'll follow the roads that legends pave,

I'll fight zombies and dragons,
Trolls and demons, as well,
I'll save the princess from the witch,
Before the midnight curse's bell,

I’ll cross rope bridges,
Trick the trolls beneath,
I’ll pull stars from the sky,
And make a cosmic wreath,

I’ll sail on the seven seas,
Dive deep into sunken memories,
I’ll bring to the surface a dream,
And let it sail on the breeze,

I may never find what I seek,
But this journey certainly is Something Epic.


Removed due to lack of confidence.



Hmmm...I actually removed it. Interesting thought though. I kinda forgot I posted this; I was really tired...

That first one was liked at Writing.com. The second one got less praise, but no one said anything negative about it. I just felt it was too simple for here. I feel stupid when I say it aloud. Maybe I'll post sometime, though. Maybe.
Wow, weird. Because you know, while I liked the first one, this:


Removed due to lack of confidence.

Would probably be the most kickass poem I've ever read. It has so much meaning in only 7 words! I'm totally being serious here. It's basically a statement: My purpose was removed because of a lack of confidence. I have no purpose because I have no ego. My reason for being is unidentifiable because I haven't esteem enough to share it.

Sorry, I like things short, simple, and yet dripping with metaphorical juices, even if they weren't intended :3



Eh, reminds of me a PHILO-1 essay my wrote; the subject was, "What is courage?". He wrote :

That was his whole essay. Incidentally, he did get an A. I wish I'd thought of it >_<

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